Lizabethie: of the New World

You’d think the writers here might at least scan the comments at some point and throw some advice into the work group chat like “heads up maybe next time let’s not imply that that it’s totally understandable for less attractive people to get cheated on, our few remaining readers clearly think that’s bullshit”.

Apology not necessary. I don’t blame anyone for taking advantage of opportunities. You just don’t say no to those.

Farewell to taste, class, charm, refinement, common sense, dignity, and manners. They’ve got money and nothing else.

“Haha, she should do sex work if she's so broke!" is the new feminism, I guess.

Hailey Bieber has a very plain face. If it weren’t for the expensive skincare, makeup, and styling, she’d look like any other skinny white girl her age that you wouldn’t notice on the street (she kinda does anyway—I have to relearn her face every time I see an article about her). If she feels she’s had to work extra

The far right knows all of this. If more POC die from pregnancy complications, then they see that as a benefit.

The Sydney Sweeney Only Fans comment is gross and I don’t think the intent of the comment was empowering so...

As a T1 diabetic, the cost of insulin, pregnancy and post-pregnancy care within the U.S. are absolutely beyond terrifying. I am exceptionally, ridiculously, insanely lucky to have had some vague inkling of “oh, this could get bad,” in college. I am American, but currently live in the EU, and describing my care

So if fecal matter stays in the air, should anyone actually eat that fruit? Oh, wait, those two don’t eat actual food, right?

It’s insane that involvement in law enforcement results in lighter sentences, when cops/guards/etc who commit crimes should have their sentences doubled or tripled compared to what anyone else did. This guard is going to get a slap on the wrist when he should be shot dead and left to rot in the street.

Multiple jail officials were involved, perhaps up to the entirety of the staff, and only 1 is getting charges. Charges that will undoubtedly result in a too-light sentence, because this is a country that has put people away for life for nonviolent drug offences but can’t seem to ever match that energy when it comes to

This was back in the mid-80s, when we would just have been labelled complainers and told not to listen to private phone calls. I was at an office party at this company and this guy kissed me (different guy), totally unwanted, completely out of the blue, utterly bizarre. I went to HR then and I was told to stay away

Yeah they’ve got it the wrong way around. In my experience, male or female, some people are cheaters and some are not. A guy who will cheat on one woman will cheat on the rest too, and hotness has nothing to do with it (though it may influence how hard he’ll fight to stay married to her...arm candy is important).

Omg, can we all please stop pretending ugly men don’t cheat and acting aghast when they do?? Of course they cheat. They likely cheat even more when their wives are hot because their egos are all gassed up. Just stop. That’s all.

I knew a guy like this once.  He was very attractive... until he opened his mouth and revealed himself to be one of the most revolting people on the planet.  He was in a different office and worked on a different project than me, and I said to some of the women who were there how cute he was, and they said sure, but

I knew a dude like this in grad school. He was so attractive that you’d stop to look at him. Like wow was he hot!!

My thought exactly!

“But at the very least, she looks the way she does, and could very easily find a partner who won’t inspire such reactions as “that’s him???”—a real Sebastian Stan, Robert Pattinson, Devin Booker-type of man.”

You are working way too hard on this. Which you already know. 

Jez is trying to be funny.