Lizabethie: of the New World

Racist walked away, stopped recording, racist came back, started recording again?

Thanks for sharing this! I keep seeing people recommend pennyroyal and other herbs for abortions, but it’s not like baking cookies where there’s a recipe and the stakes are low. Even if certain herbs are “effective,” there’s no telling how your body will react to it. Medication abortions on the other hand are

The whole thing is odd. Why is a grown man getting into an argument with an 11 year old boy, an argument he apparently can’t let go. But what exactly about the second half is odd?

Herbs sound nicer than coat hangers, don’t they?”

It’s just incredibly sad and depressing that you even need to publish an article like this.

Oh Jesus, well this is going to be a fun topic to reengage with regularly until a few of those old bastards on the Supreme Court shuffle off.

Ignore that poster. Its a fatphobe concern troll.

None of those people have apologized or changed anything about their behavior, which is the rather striking difference between the situations that justifies a very different response. Jezebel’s praise of Cardi B is bizarre, but that’s why any post about her heralds a wave of commenters calling out that blind praise as

Most! Weight cutting isn’t as much of a thing among East Asian fighters.

And body builders too. Still extremely unhealthy.

I guess I’m not paying close enough attention to all the selective nitpicking that goes on.

True. But it's still not healthy- especially if pushed beyond a certain % of total weight- there's a litany of examples of boxers who performed poorly or suffered long-term damage due to overly aggressive cuts.

Every single athlete that has to make weight does this.

I mean, I think it’s pretty egotistical to request to wear basically a piece of pop culture history. But otherwise, I agree. They always could have told her no, and even though I am far from being a Trash fan, I don’t think it would have been an issue if she had been told she couldn’t wear the dress.

But that’s the point - I love Lizzo for who and what she is/says/does and it’s because of these original qualities that she would listen to people and make the change.

Well, until you can crawl into Lizzo’s skull and report from her brain, we’ll never really know which it is, will we?

Plenty of longtime commenters have pushed back against this site’s blind worship of Cardi B.

I remember when Obama was president, right-wing loons were constantly convinced that everything he did was intended to be a distraction from something more nefarious (they didn’t always know what). This is the second article about this family in the last few months that has taken this weird conspiracy-theorist approach

Feel free to elaborate

[...] 16 pounds in 21 days [...]