Where I’m at as well. Glad it’s over. I think after the way Depp played the cameras like a fiddle and with the social media reaction the actual outcome was almost beside the point because Depp salvaged his image regardless.
Where I’m at as well. Glad it’s over. I think after the way Depp played the cameras like a fiddle and with the social media reaction the actual outcome was almost beside the point because Depp salvaged his image regardless.
This is probably a good time to just walk away from the internet
Amber’s defense really shit the bed.
Well the internet’s going to be a raging mess for a while now. Which civil defamation case on balance of probabilities do you believe? The one in the jurisdiction where he had all the legal advantages that found he’s the liar who beat her a dozen times, or the one in the jurisdiction where she had all the legal…
My sister & brother-in-law decided when their eldest child (of three) got to college choosing age that several states would be out of the running for their college $$$. Florida & Texas are amongst those states. This was not just because of anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ+ laws enacted in said states, but also for anti-science…
So long as we can all agree that heart attacks and strokes will be treated the same when Republicans are up for endorsement, this policy may end up creating a net benefit...
“Politics” for most of us is our own survival. It’s only the already-empowered who get to engage in politics as a philosophical debate. So for the generation facing the shitshow of natural consequences from their grandparents’ decisions? Yeah, they’re actively trying not to die from bullshit, er, “politically…
Remember when Rex Tillerson was Secretary of State for ten minutes and he was already struggling with fatigue, travel, and the workload?
Eh don’t get your hopes up.
Honestly, the only news I want to hear about Ted Cruz is when Texas finally comes to their senses and has Musk fire him into the Sun like he deserves.
Seems bad!! And seems like Cruz may eventually get hauled in front of the committee to testify.
Presidential elections are effectively gerrymandered by the Electoral College. Californians’ votes counts less than voters in less populated states.
I lived in Raleigh for 20 years; one of its satellite towns, Cary, has long had the nickname “Containment Area for Relocated Yankees.”
State senate races can and are. Ohio’s in a protracted legal battle that will affect voter turnout. Guess who is in majority?
My hometown is about 40 minutes outside of Boston and just about every guy I went to school with is enraged about kneeling at football games, Superman being gay (he’s not, it’s his son), and general maga trolls.
I am actually 20 minutes away for the first time in about 20 years and haven’t even been back yet. It’s that…
#2 sounds right. We live in deep red too.
The problem with people moving from “blue states” to “red states” is that they will encounter resistance from people who have families running entire towns or they know someone in power. I have friends that clamor on and on about how cheap FL and TX are but they’re falling right into a trap if they think that they can…
They’re slowing down though, the inevitable result of health care (low child death rates), education, birth control, and increased cost and quality of life.
I, a good atheist, am honestly starting to hope that these people really meet Jesus as they believe they will in the afterlife. They’re in for an everlasting lecture on what it means to be a true Christian, as well as (dare I hope) a heavenly ass-kicking.