Lizabethie: of the New World

If he wants lots of kids, why not use a surrogate? Because he is such a total douche bag? Yes, that must be it.
Seriously though, she needs to get a different husband. Or maybe no husband. 

She needs to get a divorce and find someone who doesn’t dismiss the trauma that she has experienced. That guy is a douche.

He answers in the negative and tells her that there is nothing in the Ten Commandments that dictates a man shouldn’t take more than one wife.

I recently moved to SLC and I was told that on certain days, FLDS can be seen doing their monthly shopping at the downtown Costco that stocks restaurant supplies. I was at that Costco a few weeks ago and did see a group of women in blue or grey prairie dresses with that hair French braid hairstyle, in the restaurant

Just remember when SCOTUS ruled in favor of Bush during the 2000 election they basically said, “this ruling only applies this once and can’t be used in the future.”

I would really love to sue a gun owner whose weapon is stolen, doesn’t report it, or sells it for cash with zero background check, and then the gun is used in the committing of a crime. Unfortunately, if I had money on the outcome, the Supreme Court will uphold the Texas law and strike down copycat laws when it comes

No.  It still infringes on the ability of half of the country to control their own  bodies and their own lives, and still breaks the establishment of religion clause by making the same half of the country subject to the religious beliefs of one religion even if they don’t follow that religion.

Illinois State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has some ideas on how to use the bounty system better.

First thing Deshowitz thought of too. Guess he really hasn’t totally lost his mind.

Exactly this. Anybody who thinks the current SCOTUS isn’t just dying to find a way to kill Roe while also pushing a maximalist view of firearm proliferation, regardless of whether the underlying rationales contradict one another, is a naive fool.

This is the way the judiciary has always worked. See Dred Scott v Sandford, or Korematsu v. United States. We’re the suckers who keep thinking the Judicial branch sides with the righteous. They don’t.

While this seems to make sense, it’s important to remember that the current SCOTUS is a political body disguised as a Judicial one. And I can perfectly see them strucking down any attempt from liberal States of using the same bullshitery Texas played, but now against guns rights, while upholding the Texas law, by the

Wow, so much lies and misinformation here. It wasn’t Kenny Loggins who sang on ‘Islands In The Stream’, it was Kenny Rogers.

I so appreciate this article. I had an abortion in high school, and I vividly remember being nothing but incredibly relieved afterwards. I knew, without a doubt, that I had made the right decision. Zero regrets then, and zero regrets today.

Yep. There’s plenty to criticize Grimes about without resorting to this fucking garbage. It’s not like she wasn’t successful on her own before they met.

I also love/hate that the only photo of them together anyone seems to have is the weird MET gala one that gets reused over and over

in all honesty Grimes is probably the only person who would date him now who isn’t doing it for the money (because he doesn’t sound like that great of a date). Because she’s a little whacky and fell in love with his robot/Rococo era references and IMO she was extremely wowed by his perceived intelligence and she

The writing on Jezebel has always gone for the snark, but things have really been missing the mark lately, and not by narrow margins.

Oh, I get it: *he’s* terrible, so therefore we call *her* a prostitute. Makes sense.