Lizabethie: of the New World

That’s not actually the case. Unlike YouTube, which enables ad monetization once you reach a (1k? 10k?) subscriber count; tiktok’s only revenue channel for creators is letting viewers send coins as “tips” while they host livestreams. Otherwise, it’s all on the influencer to pull in outside channels to their videos to m

Normal guys are happy that toxic shitheads like this exist, because they attract equally toxic shitheads like moths to a shit-flame. 

Also, he's probably thrilled at the attention and exposure this is getting.

Agreed. Plenty of women want to be subservient to an alpha male. We all know the myriad reasons as religious, cultural, low economic opportunity, lower self esteem, etc.

As one of the responses points out with screenshots, dude was on Facebook talking about how it’s cool to date 17 year olds because it’s legal and on Twitter talking about how he only attracts 17-19 year olds even though he was born in 1997. So yeah, he probably does “fine” dating-wise if you consider a 23 year old fast

It’s not just about a single plant, it’s the entire process. From the Impossible web page (Impossible Whopper, plant based meat substitute, the sausage kinda sucks, but the burgers are pretty good)

So you buy your leased car..... and than you sell for a profit.. and than you buy a new car at an equally inflated price (If you can find one!) and over MSRP and you have gained.... What exactly?

It likely does have a sizeable impact, and if we don’t make changes because we deem them too small then we’re making a mistake because everything adds up. They could switch over to pasture-raised pork from regenerative farms, but they probably don’t want to spend that kind of money. They could also invest in

Ikea recently switched from köttbullar meatballs to the inferior, less oniony huvudroll ones, and I am NOT PLEASED. Big downgrade.

I’m sure that reply made sense. Continuing this doesn’t.

You made nonsense up and are selling it as reality. I truly have no idea how to offer a reasonable counterpoint to that.


Now that you mention this, it’s actually the opposite of greenwashing.

This distinction you’re drawing is a fantasy.

I mean they tried the horse meat ones as I recall and most people were displeased. 

are you an employee?

here come all the angry comments from people who don’t work at VW/have never had a VW sausage in their life/never even knew that VW made sausage before today/will not be affected by this decision in anyway (except maybe by benefiting from lower emissions)

When I go to Ikea, I get the meatballs with the mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam. If they get rid of that, people will get hurt.

Yeah, this makes me sad. I’ve never had the VW sausage or owned a VW product, but I’m still bummed. I got joy out of knowing that VW made sausage, and that it is actually quite good.

This is the sort of headline that every writer wants to write but few get to.

I hope you are proud of yourself this doesn’t happen very often.