Lizabethie: of the New World

Yes, if Halfthor Bjornsson wants to sit on a plane he should also purchase 2 seats.

my father in law is a large man and he either buys first class for the extra room or buys 2 seats.

Other than the ass sweat of the 100s of passengers who sat on the seat before you, but let's not dwell on that too much...

Would this also apply to a super wide pro footballer, weightlifter, professional wrestler, whatever?
There are plenty of people who would be better off with two seats, but who aren’t obese, just big.
Do you say to one person, it’s okay, you’re an acceptable type of large? But you, sir, are a selfish porker who must be

I throw tall people in there too. If they are so tall that the person in front can’t recline their seat, they should either spring for the seats with extra leg room, or buy the seat in front of them.

I pay to check my clothes. I keep my laptop, cameras and prescription medicines in my camera backpack. If it doesn’t fly in the cabin, neither do I. Yes, it does weigh about 30 pounds, but it does meet the size requirement and clearly I need the meds. The rest of the stuff is small, easily stolen, easily fenced and

I recline with no shame. If the airline didn’t want me to then the seat wouldn’t allow it.

I can’t argue with your plan. It’s exactly what we need! (Except they need to enforce it unlike the carry-on sizing)

I mean, you can always pay for an upgrade to wider seats, unless you’re too wide for even the international first class seats, in which case... that’s impressive.

It really isn’t that bad. People are just whiny baby assholes today.

Southwest will make you buy a second seat if you don’t fit. They will refund it if the plane isn’t full.

Flying is fine. I wouldn’t do it for fun, but the fact that I can get from my home city to anywhere else in the country for fours and $300 is a fucking miracle. It’s somehow cheaper and much faster than driving or taking a train.

Absolutely correct. I fly all too often, but just one time almost had a nervous breakdown over this very issue.

I’m in the window seat, a 90ish year old lady has isle, middle seat guy is 400-500 pounds and puts both arm rests up to sit down and takes half way into each of our seats. He should have been required to

If your shoulders touch the armrests you’re upside down and should turn.

Yeah i was once next to an extremely large fellow, and I didn’t care about armrests at that point, I cared about ARMS. And those armrests down were the only thing keeping this guy’s arms from my face.
Not only was this guy huge, but he was prone to... i guess you’d call it “sleep punching”? He would be fully asleep and

They can have 2 seats, they just have to pay for them. I paid for my seat and as such my ass sweat is the only ass sweat going into it.

This can work! But it’s a delicate dance...

There’s nothing worse than someone else’s sweat soaking your clothes.

Also, anyone involved reserves the right for the middle armrests to be placed down.

It’s downright comical how awful flying is nowadays. The security situation is awful, it takes a minimum of 5-6 hours to get anywhere regardless of flight time, and every airline tries to sneakily charge you for everything (including shit like backpacks/purses that you’d assume would be free to carry on). Also it