sooo... because the timing was shorter than a news crew, THAT’s where the problem is?
sooo... because the timing was shorter than a news crew, THAT’s where the problem is?
I can list literally hundreds of people in the NY tri-state area that would claim $100 off this “good-faith promotion,” and many of them moved out West after cannabis legalization which would make this challenge even that much easier.
But they DIDN’T refuse service, and they were told ahead of time that this would both be recorded and put on a Youtube channel and STILL didn’t refuse service.
No, moron, that’s being a professional MARKETER. That’s a professional in the ADVERTISING INDUSTRY.
That’s a lot of supposition. Do you think it’s really that difficult for someone to eat a 28" pizza in an hour?
Heh. I said in another comment I wouldn’t be surprised if locals started saying this type of behavior is typical. Guess I was correct.
If that's true, it is entirely unsurprising.
That's the lesson? It's not that business owners shouldn't treat people like shit?
It’s funny that you’re willing to make up a fantasy version of the encounter when the owner’s own daughter said her father was wrong.
I have my doubts that five professional eaters will visit *any* specific restaurant in a week. He comes across as not wanting anyone to ever win the prize. The lesson he should take home here is that if you have a contest like this, keep the prize something you’d be okay giving out. Novelty hats and t-shirts are much…
Are the guys on Dude Perfect professional basketball players? They get paid to do things with basketballs.
You can refuse service in a professional manner.
It’s starting to make sense now.
Shout out to all the people sympathetic to the scared and terrified pizza shop of the tiny Asian with a camera in Colorado. He really showed her!
That may be the case but in the day and age of social media and reviews, it’s a very, very poor decision.
I live in Aurora Colorado I I never order from this racist piece of shit. he is a known racist Trump supporting asshole.
At the same time, after $200 in a week, you could end the promotion? Or to avoid the shady look place restrictions on it. The article mentioned they had no listed restrictions. It seems like there would be a number of ways to handle avoiding an “eater circuit.” That said the backlash was extreme.
You you want to make unfounded accusations you could spend 5 minutes on her channel and see if that's the case or not.
Isnt the whole point of a food challenge to promote your restaurant? Of course she’s a professional, so what, her YouTube videos get a lot of views. She’s exactly the sort of person you want taking the challenge. For the cost of a pizza you get a video promoting your restaurant that will be seen hundreds of thousands…
I think it had to do with her name