
Pretty sure it is not free. You, and everyone else, are paying for it.

Ask a Canadian what they pay in income (Fed & Provincial), sales and gas taxes for their “free” healthcare...

GE sold it’s Consumer Electronics business in 1987 to Thomson, a French company.

Neutral - no idea... I am no more likely to use a car subscription service than I am fractional jet ownership.

I buy all my diesel (every 2 weeks) at Costco and haven’t had to wait.  Am I just lucky?

$1.25 per litre times 4 = $5.00

I have an “inspection” open on my CTS. GM would like me to take a 1/2 day of vacation to drive to a GM dealer for one of their authorised factory-trained technicians to determine if I have an anvil hanging from my key chain.

Justin Tredeau sure is a role model, isn’t he?

Why get government approval when you can take the Uber/Lyft approach and flaunt your disregard for existing laws & regulations?

Why get government approval when you can take the Uber/Lyft approach and flaunt your disregard for existing laws & regulations?

Agreed, new poll not visible on my iPad... FAIL

My 15-yo Cadillac has an open recall (ignition switch). I have no intention of taking a 1/2 day (or more) of vacation time to go to a dealer and have their most-junior tech examine my keychain to determine if I have an anvil hanging off it.

I have a 3-vin’ed vehicle.  I’ve had no problems related to the build quality.  The engineering and part-choice decisions that were made in Detroit are another matter...

But how will we get all those Chinese goods into the Walmarts?

Neutral: would love a small pickup... it won’t be a VW though.  Dieselgate.

I’m not interested in taking a 1/2 day of vacation so that the GM Factory Trained technician can verify that I don’t have an anvil hanging on my keychain...

What is wrong with the existing vamps?

I’m quite certain your Audi dealer is not doing anything for free...

Try living outside of the U.S.

Dinner, drinks, hookers ... ?