
You're legally blind?!

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

My first legal job was with a child welfare agency in a large city. One Friday I worked on a report with a coworker, so we were the last to leave. Around 8pm we headed for the front and saw a kid, maybe 7 years old, calmly sitting in the waiting area. He told us a man was supposed to pick him up. We ran his name thru

Running a center myself, we have had "safety measures" fail——-a baby was once left, sleeping in a crib, in the classroom alone (also a miss-communication among staff) which resulted in the parent finding the child alone in the crib, unsupervised. However, the other safety plans in place (Director clearing all

It's all because she's done it before, I guarantee. As a teacher, I've been frustrated with kids, but I've removed myself from the situation.

Once upon a time, on a plane flying to Toronto, we saw a gentleman who looked exactly like Bram from Sharon, Lois, Bram, and the Elephant show.

My starry-eyed kid sister toddled over to him when Mom wasn't looking and asked where the elephant was. He told her he shot it.

She cried.

We still listened to the elephant song

THIS IS MY ALMA MATER. I am so proud of my school. 90% of my ideas about feminist culture/social justice were shaped by Mercy. They are just as progressive as this sounds. YAY MY SCHOOL. THIS IS WHY I DONATE. WOOOO!!!

Thank you. He does NOT speak for the Catholic Church and I am sick of Jezebel's ignorant viewpoint of all things Catholic. I can only assume they are as misinformed on other Christian matters.

Dear Ossifrage,