living on video

Just a guess...

If anything, the term Metroidvania isn’t really adequate because while Castlevania: Symphony of the Night takes many cues from the Metroid franchise, Metroid never borrowed Castlevania elements in return. Super Metroid isn’t a Metroidvania, it’s just a Metroid game, one that came out well before SOTN. But the term

I’m just gonna say it: Cavemen was pretty alright, and it really did show potential during its short run.

If you’re going to do this (and really, no, you probably shouldn’t), would it hurt to spend a couple extra hundred dollars for better costumes? I’d understand them not being faithful recreations if they were improved on in some way, but these look like some knockoff Times Square grifters here.

“Logan” is a fantastic example that it can be done in a satisfying way. Part of that is because it really is the logical endpoint for Logan the character as portrayed across all the previous X-Men films. Maybe not so much the most logical endpoint for Xavier, but the other part is that 20th Fox’s X-verse is

I include Indy because I think there’s something just as depressing about seeing a septuagenarian going through the heroic motions as if they’re the exact same person we last saw in action some 20 years ago. It implies a lack of growth in the character, and necessitates their ensuing adventures to be lamer just so

I acknowledged that I hadn’t seen it yet, and at least inferred that “ST:Picard” has potential to be interesting and good. I can’t imagine it being worse than “ST: Nemesis,” at any rate. Regardless, its premise posits that Jean-Luc left Starfleet in shame or disgrace shortly after the last time we saw him on screen as

Cripes. I haven’t seen this yet obviously, and Emoji Movie aside, shouldn’t discount Sir Patrick’s career choices, but I’m feeling some serious fatigue over the current “your childhood hero became a miserable shell and/or failure” trend.

Netflix has some searchable color bars / test patterns to help you calibrate your TV.  Souldn’t be too hard to find.

I knew what was coming. All I want to know was why Scott Lang’s house arrest ended before Clint’s. And if there were consequences for violating the terms, or did Clint indeed wait around at his empty house until he had his ankle monitor properly removed? Will Ross immediately arrest him right after Stark’s funeral

It’s a great line, and it works a lot better than the montage/”Just A Girl” moment, because Vers was demonstrably trying to prove herself to Jude Law at the film’s start. That the line can be read either way (in the text, Carol has “nothing to prove” as a soldier to her former commanding officer, while the subtext is

For the record, I did not say “Avengerettes”.

I know it’s a metaphor. I’m saying it’s ultimately a clumsy metaphor. The montage I cited had to be included to drive it home, because nothing in the film indicates that Vers/Carol/Captain Marvel internalizes that suppression. At no time in the movie did any of her allies or foes dismiss her as “just a girl,” or “just

The scene both worked and didn’t work for me. It’s effectively executed in the moment to manipulate me into eliciting one more “Hell yeah!” in a battle that has dozens. It logistically doesn’t make a lick of sense, and it’s obviously bald-faced pandering after one nanosecond of reflection. But still, “Hell yeah!”

I can’t completely defend Widow’s death. I do think it was ultimately wrong to take her off the board before the big final battle, and to deny her the curtain call that Tony’s funeral doubled as. It’s a disappointing capper to character that I actually really liked, despite a decade of misuse and neglect by the

Oh boy, I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe he fudges the whole “exact point in time” business and takes it directly to the Collector? Lady Sif seems to have been utterly erased from continuity, so someone has to take it him.

Also, the Aether is not a stone, and I’m so glad someone in-universe finally acknowledged it!

But there are whales in the Hudson because the water’s cleaner!

This is the correct answer. It’s the sound of Tony hammering out the Mark I armor.

Can’t wait for Anthony Mackie to show us his moves...