living on video

Hey, mine too! Here’s to burning out instead of fading away!

I rewatched this episode today and what struck me was the shifting Sugarman/Horseman family portraits. Child Beatrice and child Bojack are positioned next to and somewhat facing each other as one phases into the other. She looks “faraway sad,” while he forces an unconvincing smile. They’re kindred spirits here, two

I saw it in Denver, and that was pretty much my reaction. It was a little too literal an adaptation for me when compared to previous Disney screen-to-stage affairs like Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King. It seemed less Broadway theater to me, and more like one of those live theme park shows your parents would

Thank the maker! We’ll finally find out, canonically, how Ben’s ghost travels from planet to planet, why he feels the need to sit down sometimes, and how a non-corporeal being can even sit on solid objects! Mysteries of the afterlife explained!!!

I’m not going to try to defend the episode’s sloppy storytelling and nothing ending, but I will argue that its message was a bit more nuanced than you portrayed it in your review.

Even ignoring the entertaining margin drawings, and that the music itself is amazing, Bojack needs its intro and closing credits, even or especially when binge watching. At least that’s my experience, as I’m reeling from whatever punch in the stomach the previous episode dealt me. “Back in the 90's” acts as the

[Clinton] bravely but foolishly refused to apologize for her own wealth and advantages.

Thank you for making a much more cogent point than I could have ever made in regards to the primary and the wisdom the party should have gleaned from it (I’m still far too resentful to discuss it calmly).

I wasn’t assigning blame. I’d be here all day if I were. It’s not like things suddenly became shitty after the 2008 financial crisis. The Reagan years mark the most obvious turning point, but a lot of politicians from both sides of the aisle have helped along the snowballing of income inequality through action and

I can see how hard it might be to get that worked up over an economy that’s working out just fine for you.

I agree that the scene is out of place and gross, and particularly under a 2017 lens, disturbingly regressive. Despite whatever commenters say on a rabid fan forum, I’m pretty sure this is the consensus opinion. But you are talking about a book that was written over thirty years ago, so what is the goal of the

Agreed on Vogel. This is a small sample, but he also appears better at approximating Henson’s range with the role. Whitmire’s Kermit seemed stuck in the two gears of and melancholy and mild exasperation. Maybe the little green guy will finally be able to enjoy himself again!

Is it wrong that I want him to lose his house, and at least one thing that’s truly precious to him, in the storm? You know, in a way in which no one dies, but he suffers a loss and maybe comes to see the error of his ways? In that light, it would actually be a good thing, regardless of any mean-spirited satisfaction

“I go back over my own shortcomings and the mistakes we made. I take responsibility for all of them. You can blame the data, blame the message, blame anything you want, but I was the candidate,”

Uh, it’s not the ‘mere presence’ that is the problem. It’s that she is dividing the party further by outright blaming Bernie for her loss.

Ahh, the tempura take.

I believe that’s meant to be read as “Mar-T,” as in Marty Lindstrom, Norma’s father and the original owner of Marty’s Railroad Diner. (per “The Secret History of Twin Peaks”)

***Read at your own peril. I’m just trying to process everything as I type.***

He probably watched that election day episode of “House of Cards” and started licking his chapped lips.

What are you referring to when you say going left didn’t work? Hillary Clinton’s half-hearted appeals to the scorned Sanders base that no one took seriously? I voted for her (because I’m not sucidal), but I never believed for a second that she’d moved any closer to the left than she had presented herself during the