living on video

That devil bears more than a passing resemblance to the devil doll in Doctor Who’s “Terror of the Autons”.

Liked for addressing "Pretty In Pink"'s jarring omission, but Andie really should have realized that she was better off single then with any of her suitors.

Maybe this is an odd thing to say, but I just want to give (almost) everybody in Broadchurch a hug. It's not a reaction I have with any other series. This show depicts grief and human frailty so well. It's so heartbreaking and often bleak and yet life affirming and beautiful at the same time.

You have to admit, surrendering your corporeal existence seems like a much better option after you’ve been reduced to a terrifying metal husk.

The explanation that makes sense to me is that the Cybermen, knowing the Doctor had entered the space station from its top level, would have sent troops there at the start to cut off their escape route as well as the ones that pursued the Doctor directly. If there were Mark-III Cyberman on the farming level, then at

Hmm… I must admit, I just blindly accepted the teacher's reasoning while rejecting the stupid name. Thanks for teaching me something new!

When I was in high school, my history teacher tried to sell us that we were Echo-Boomers, the Baby Boomers own baby boom during the late seventies/early eighties.

Where would that put Kurt Cobain, the Gen-X poster child born in 1967?

Do you know who's buying up most of the vinyl these days?

I'd written and deleted a much longer post in which I get into the idea of cusps, which I think is the perfect word for people like us. Basically, I think the concept of cultural generations should be understood to encompass a period of twenty years, with those born during the first or last five years of any one

I was born in 1979. Like the author of the article, I was shaped by cultural experiences and exhibit traits associated with both Xers and Millennials. I personally identify more as Gen-X, but can recognize those Millennial aspects as well. I don't feel the need to invent more exclusionary verbiage to explain that I

Out of curiosity, could you tell us which, if any, currently recognized "generation" you identify as?

I'm not saying it can't happen, and indeed many actual arranged marriages result in loving relationships. But it's a pretty big assumption we're supposed to make here that they're perfect for each other based on the scant interaction the two have had.

Maybe Bill and Heather meet up with Clara and Me and become a full-fledged team of fugitive time/space travelers and death cheating immortals. They could be like a galactic "A-Team"!

They're exclusion was a tragically missed opportunity, especially since that iteration of Cybermen was re-canonized way back in season one's "Dalek".

"Master" was great, and "Davros" was amazing. Have you listened to the spin-off series, "I, Davros" that explores the same backstory but in more depth? I've been debating ordering it, but cautious of the investment.

The Sixth Doctor story "Jubilee" was my first, and would definitely recommend it. It heavily inspired the first season "Dalek" story of NuWho with Christopher Eccleston's Nine (so it does have a connection to the current series), but is different enough in the details and pacing that it's not a strict retelling.

Ten's mercurial personality and ego have drawn comparisons to the much maligned Sixth Doctor. Comparison's that originally outraged me as a Tenth Doctor loyalist but later led me to a deeper understanding and appreciation of both (Big Finish helped a lot in humanizing Six).

Nah. Roughly 86.5 million transporter duplicates perished in the dial during that time. The Doctor who got out was only there for a week.

There's a Big Finish audio where the Doctor runs into a group that's battling the Cyberman, and one of the party had been rescued while partially converted. Like Bill, he was physically a Cyber-man, but retained his humanity and mind. The story hinted at the sadness of that split, but mostly it was played it for