Thank you for writing this Rebecca. Purm was also a badass feminist and loved Jezebel.
Thank you for writing this Rebecca. Purm was also a badass feminist and loved Jezebel.
The pitbull owner has no intention of paying for your dogs medical bills. Make the complaint to animal control and make a claim on his homeowners insurance. If he doesn't have any, take him to small claims court. When you win you can put a lean on his property.
Totally agree. It's maybe not for everyone but I actually really like having the info and it has worked well for me.
And the most condescending press conference possible.
I don't know if this is prophetic or my subconscious is trying to tell me something, but I had a dream that I had adopted 5 cats last night. Maybe my dear Eleanor of Aquitaine needs a tabby Henry II, a gray Richard I and a siamese John to round out things
It'll be a while - something like 6 nights. My boyfriend is thinking of asking his friend to house-sit for a few days. I don't know. I'm nervous that we won't come up with something.
As someone who has lost a buttload of weight, I suggest starting with 1 goal every 3 weeks. Like, get 3 servings of vegetables at lunch for this 3 week period. Then change your two snacks for 2 pieces of fruit for the next 3 week period. Then start exercising 3x a week for the next period, and so on.
It seems to me that if you are willing to live alone, dying alone wouldn't be that big of a deal. My biggest concerned since I do live alone is that if I die my animals won't be cared for and could suffer until I'm found. That is why I have a safety net to check in with every day.
So. I am here to give an update about what happened last week when I fled from my emotionally abusive boyfriend. I've been posting about trying to get out of this relationship for a while but had been very very stuck do to being very very poor and very alone in a new city and not being able to afford a place of my own…
Alan Cumming is the real reason to see this show anyway.
Are there any actual celebrities, white black or otherwise who you would want to go to a dating website based on their own personal philosophy about men and women?
The harassment I get about my size is terrifying.
Well, technically, she has put her self out there as the spokeswoman for Compassion & Choices for euthanasia rights.
Men get very angry when you challenge their entitlement to do whatever the fuck they want.
I'm glad the pup will live. If I attempt to ellaborate upon my feelings about how much I despise people that harm animals, especially harmless animals that look to humans for compassion and affection the hot rage emanating from my words might burn the internet down. I need a beer.
Here for Eat Everything That Is Not Nailed Down Mellie
I don't buy that people are heaping "extra" criticism on The Mindy Project. She has a show on a major network—-people are going to be full of praise, hyper-critical, and everything in between. People are and were critical of Grey's/Scandal/HTGAWM, Girls, New Girl, True Detective, you name it...
Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.
not all of us are rich enough to afford it