
classes start tomorrow. first quiz Wednesday. There is an online stylebook but having the print edition is much, much handier - students write in it and mark the commonly used sections.

They NEVER order enough. This has been true at every college I've worked for. I once said to the book manager that they need to order double the books because we use the stylebook for every class, and they said they'd rather order more than have extra. Really annoying for everyone involved.

I met a bunch of my new students today. Despite multiple reminders, none of them had bought the book for the class. I believe the bookstore is now sold out because this book is used by all the classes in my department.

But no treble. Remember that.

This is, quite simply, incorrect. All the St. Louis media were on the ground as soon as this began. Al-Jazeera and the Washington Post were there Monday. I believe CNN and MSNBC started picking it up then and Fox came on Tuesday.

no, but they get lice, which is equally bad.

Scared. Of. You.

There's been another story going around about some Florida couple that was robbed after the wife was in some show about closets of the rich and famous. She's been crying on all these tv shows about the loss of her Birkin bags - they left the alarm off and the door to the closet unlocked.

I would just be happy to have plus-sized stuff IN THE STORES. I live in Kansas and the plus-size ladies far outnumber the regular sizes. But if you go to Target or Macy's or even Wal-Mart, there is a single rack for plus sizes, usually hidden in maternity.

I like the idea of this, but all I could think of is my friend who has a child with autism. He loves trains and it took a long time to get him to be ok with the subway. If this had started he would have lost his mind - scary, loud noises, all around, and no escape. It was too loud and in your face for me, and I

I love Rosie, but she doesn't have a lot going on right now. Except I heard she had gastric sleeve surgery.

If only you'd waited for the Groupon!

I don't know what you do for a living, but I'm insanely jealous.

Most people are not perfectly logical in the choices they make, as we are not yet Vulcans. Soon.

I don't think the issue is whether his parents have the right to sexytimes in their pool. I think it's that they are all "WE BUILT THIS POOL AND NOW YOU'D BETTER SWIM IN IT YOU SPOILED BRAT!"

And then they'll get to college and be in my class. And they won't actually know how to figure things out on their own. They just know how to memorize shit and throw it back at you.

I love Lisa Kleypas, particularly the earlier books (Suddenly You, Dreaming of You..) If you're looking for something sluttier: Joan Collins. If you're looking for something even sluttier: Harold Robbins.

Philly is awesome. You can pretty much walk everywhere. Do not take the subway at night at all.

I wish Richard had some streaming workout videos!

I'd love to hear some Richard stories! He seems like a really genuine guy.