Livia Augusta

At a Catholic college? I think it’s more likely driven by the religious connotations than tryhard wokeness. If that was the case they would have just cancelled it outright since renaming it would be considered erasure by the people who complained in the first place.

These are two things that happen. Maybe you have little experience with Catholicism (or experience only with more liberal communities within the church) if this story sounds fishy to you. The Vatican issued two official documents which contained condemnations of yoga in 1989 and 2003.

So beating people up for their seats is worth a canceled flight, or the inabilty to plan ahead and not over book and let that still happen and beat up someone is still worth a canceled flight?

You actually took the time to write that. This comment really happened.

As a passenger, I hope people remember that airlines need to manage their own shit and not ask paying passengers to do it for them.

I posted this to puzzlepiece just now, but wanted to reply to you too. Another critique of the pussy hats I’ve read is that they center white women, or women who have pink pussies.

One critique I have read about the pussy hats is that they center white women, or women who have pink pussies.

Placebos work even if you know it is a placebo. Maybe try burning sage throughout your house with her for a cleanse.

That’s been going on for years though. One day it’s Union thugs this and Union thugs that, the next day liberals are pencil-necked pussies who are only tough behind a keyboard.

Seriously, how fucked up are these people? Being called anti-fascist is a compliment. As was and is social justice warrior. How are those insults? These people are fucking sick in the head.

I wonder if there are good debunking documentaries (or youtube videos) you could watch with them, that explain common reasons for supposed haunting phenomenon. Like air-temperature changes or vibrations from road traffic, that kind of thing. Watch them on your own first to make sure they won’t make it worse of course.

“Antifa” was the name around which a worker-oriented movement coalesced in the 1920's/30's against the rise of fascism in Italy, and subsequently in Germany. The movement held that fascism was the logical outcome of capitalism and that one could not be erased without dealing with the other. The two red flags in their

A lot of them are legitimate leftists who want to fuck up racist scum though. The masks are to protect themselves from legal retribution for (justifiably) fucking up fascists.

Heroes and I don’t know what the fuck you mean “hijacking a movement”. Anarchists have been organizing for years.

Now playing

Nah, anti fascists refer to themselves as antifa, or at least they used to.

I have been invited to several events and was urged to bring Big Foot along. I cannot and tonight is really driving that home. Her friend’s father was in a bad accident today and is in ICU. My child bluntly stated that she can’t wait because this is “karma for the dead dad jokes” and she has a few she can’t wait to

Proud Globalist is also one, seemingly one trying to hide their troll past under a new account. I guess this topic really riled them up.


I meet Kylo Ren? Can I kill him over and over and over and over and over for being the worst character ever?

Why not tell the carrier that enough is enough and that unlimited data should be truly unlimited with no restrictions, barriers, or limits!