Livia Augusta

I wont even give her the views.

Looks great. Too bad I’m never seeing it. I’m not giving a penny to Susan Sarandon as long as she lives.

I didn’t want people to think I *actually* think woman aren’t people? the sarcasm tag is useful considering there are a lot of commenters on this site who willfully misread sarcastic posts in order to get their ten minute hate on. I’m not taking any chances.

Because it was just women who got hurt, not actual people, that’s why. /s



I agree completely. The only recourse is in antifa. These are nazis. There is no peace with Nazis.

Well this is adorable

My mother looks like a “stereotype” she gets antisemitic remarks all the damn time. Should she get a nose job so you’ll feel more comfortable? Just because you hate Jews who look like “Anne Frank” and only love yourself because you pass as a goy doesn’t mean those of us who can’t pass should light themselves on fire

Can Jews pass as non-Jews? Some of us can. But a lot of us can’t. And the idea that not only will two Jewish parts be played by non-Jews but also not have Jewish features is like a double insult. Not only is it washing, it’s saying these are the only acceptable features for a Jew. It’s assimilationist bullshit where

I’m Jewish. We are a fucking ethno- religion that from years of cousin marriage due to isolation in ghettos has a unique geno and phenotype. We. Look. Different. Then Goys. Some of us look more like goys due to intermarriage in the last century, the first time in thousands of years intermarriage was allowed without a

I’m Jewish. We are a fucking ethno- religion that from years of cousin marriage due to isolation in ghettos has a unique geno and phenotype. We. Look. Different. Then Goys. Some of us look more like goys due to intermarriage in the last century, the first time in thousands of years intermarriage was allowed without a

Yeah that was a cup of hot bullshit.

I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to see FB because they cast two goyim as Jewish women. (and not even Goys who look Jewish.) Then the whole “no black people in Harlem” came out and I was DEFFO not seeing it. SO at this point with casting Depp I’m just over here cackling. what a fucking trainwreck!

She... doesn’t look pregnant at all? THAT’s considered pregnant? I... want to get off this planet.

Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:

Fascism wins when you normalize it. Bit by bit, piece by piece, starting small and ending in death camps, things will be proposed that are wrong. But at first it will just be a little wrong. If we give ground on the little things, in two years we will have very large horrible things like Pence brand Gay reeducation

oh so she’s incredibly morally bankrupt then. good to know.

Rember folks, this pasty weasel believes in repealing child labor laws! She wants to go back to the days of children in coal mines! Honestly, that bothers me more than money. How morally bankrupt can you be?

“Chinese” new year is celebrated among many cultures and is generally called “lunar new year” its not just from China, though that was the country and culture it originated from.

“Chinese” new year is celebrated among many cultures and is generally called “lunar new year” its not just from