Livia Augusta


Last time I heard about the makeup/depression thing was a story from last year. It still happens.

you have to know that’s not the norm for millions of women right? like good for you? but that doesn’t change a word I said.

Lets stop pretending that women who wear makeup get any kind of real shit thrown on them. women who don’t wear makeup are denied jobs, promotions, and sometimes institutionalized (depressed women are sometimes not released from hospitals until they do their makeup because to not wear makeup is viewed as a symptom)


honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

This is a large slice of bullshit. One of my best friend *is* a trans woman drag queen. Are you telling me she’s harming herself? Drag has been a refuge and place for the trans community since before we had a word for trans* people. Don’t concern troll when *actual* trans* people by and large, support drag. Go back to

what an absolute shitbird! you dodged a bullet in breaking up with him.

“We’ll slap her with a charge, that’ll show those upity muslims not to wear a hijab!”

And she’s a darling of Fox News and republicans in general and has said some shitty shitty things. SPLC got it right on this one.

That is the cutest picture. Its such a genuine hug! more powerful women being friends please!

You got him darling!

Locomotive Jones. He’s an ex gawker troll who migrated over here.

Dismiss your troll darling, he’s stinking up the place!

easy. He got ungreyed on a normal account, being reasonable, then changed the name on the account in order to troll. for all we know this is a big ticket famous commenter who’s gone rogue after years of normality. This guys playing the long con.

I really wish I wasn’t.

it died a bit in the states. It NEVER died in Europe and abroad. We’ve been living in a bubble, that should have been popped years ago. We have to get used to it. Its the last hate that’s cool to have. Its only going to get worse. I have cousins and friends who are as pro-palestinian as it gets and even they are

no its not! its because of anti-semites! antisemitism existed before Israel and it will exist after! Its trendy to hate us now, Israel is just an excuse! If Israel was still Palestine This would be just as bad!

no one is surprised. There is a TON of anti-semitism on the left. A TON. Its why as left-wing as I am, I don’t go to meetings or protests. I know as a Jew I’m not welcome.

Ok it’s flag and dismiss time, antisemite troll alert. In a later reply this vile piece of trash claims anti-semitism isn’t real because of all the “power and privledge” Jews have. I’ll make sure to tell the Jews who are fleeing France en mass that anti-semitism isn’t real.