
Android is picking up pace and that's great, but I'd still get an iPhone, it just works. Well, it works if you're not in the US. Can't believe it's still locked to one (bad) carrier there.

Doesn't matter how fast this American car goes, I bet it still steers like a cow. The Veyron was designed for lands that have turns in the road.

From Burning Rangers:

So there are mechs in (the long rotten corpse of) Star Wars now? Hmm.. had a nice American mythology going there with some nice design - no need to go nicking manga elements, I think.

@SuperSkunk: Oh, I've got that :) I just really want the first game - it didn't have any of the overcomplication that came in later.

I just want ports of the first two Katamari Damacy games, then I can ditch my PS2.

@veritable_vagabond: Nope. Transformers were US releases of Diaclone and Microman toys that were produced in '82 (some earlier - Megatron has a copyright date of 1974 on him). Bandai's robots that became Gobots in US were released in '83.

As someone who still produces game manuals (for AtariAge), I really mourn their passing. However, what I won't mourn is the European manual. One paragraph of english spread over a whole multilingual book, in mono with most of the useful instruction missing. Rubbish.

In other news - scummy moron dad buys boxing game for four year old.

Nice render but it's fake. If you're going to go to all that trouble on the device, take some more time with the shadows!

@Chowderholic: +10 to that one. Absolutely superb game.

@Squiffy: I understand what you mean, but it's not the acheivement I'm aiming for - it's the survival of the Normandy crew in their entirety. That's where the ticking clock comes in. I saved the Doctor and no-one else.

This looks fun. I'm glad you can carry on playing after the finale. Wish I'd known that earlier, as well as certain other facts (hint - between the penultimate and last missions - the clock IS ticking, don't go exploring!) that have contributed to me replaying the entire game again to get a better ending.

Surely all the 14 year old boys are on Xbox Live. Well, that's how it seems from my headset anyway.

@Dragonis: I missed out on the Collectors edition. I regret that.

@Soniku: But a good piece of art really sets the scene for the whole experience of playing a game. It's something that you have to buy and own - there's really no excuse for it to be anything other than beautiful.

I got involved on game art for a couple of GBA and PS2 titles - what a waste of time it is trying to be creative. In the end, the only bit of 'art' I managed to slide by the powers-that-be was a nice bit of shadowing that no-one noticed.

Meh. The Borg are just Doctor Who Cybermen rip-offs anyway.

@dB Photography: In a rare occurance on the internet, I actually did just LOL. :)

It's an awesome book, it deserves to sell.