
Fallout 3 showed how to implement ranged weapons in an RPG setting. They should just do what Bethesda did.

I'm probably cynical (but 20+ years of largely unimaginative games are to blame there) but this looks like it's going to be just one HUGE amount of cutscenes with some A-B running and 'Press X to jump out of the way' game mechanics (like Shenmue).

I'm all for the digital availability of all old games, irrespective of the hit to the 'collectors value'.

I love the current model for selling consoles at a loss. It means that when I bought my PS3 back in Jan 08, I got a Blu-Ray player that was far better than any similarly priced standalone model - because the standalone players were all being sold with a profit margin.

"Despite being a phone, the iPhone doesn't have a single cohesive online experience for playing games."

Luigi's Mansion is still my favourite Miyamoto game.

All this shows is that people are afraid to try something new. Almost all of these games are multiplatform.

There's really little point in adding 802.11n to a PS3 - 802.11g speed is considerably faster than anyones broadband connection anyway.

I'm 36 and I've always maintained that games were a diverse and maturing art form.

I was really stoked about Endless Ocean 2, but since Endless Ocean 1 was the ONLY game I ever played on the Wii, it wasn't really worth holding on to the system. The only console I've ever sold within it's life cycle, I'm so disillusioned with the Wii. #nintendo

@reekon: I think this is what Nintendo are hoping for this device. However, they're going to have to really up the spec to even compare to the iPod Touch - which is pretty much the same price as a DSi and is beginning to eclipse it. #top

@Prosper: Nope. Although I've visited and seen everyone with a DS on the train. However, the Japanese don't buy big. Ever. #top

This is the loveliest thing I've seen all week! I absolutely want one. I love his little mannerisms. #ropidrobot

@orijimi: They'll probably try to make the one last longer. #wii

"The DSi LL is geared for those who want to use their Nintendo handheld for internet and as a music player"

The Playstation was the dominant machine WAY before GT. Heck, I'd say game 1, Ridge Racer made it the market leader. #granturismo

Only difference I can see is one of contrast which probably says more about GameTrailers' capture hardware than the actual games or systems themselves.

The King of all the Cosmos from Katamari Damacy.

While download is certainly the way to go, for handhelds at least, I don't think the PSPgo is going to work at all. It's a load of money to play the same old games. This should have been the form factor for the next PSP with a better processor and improved gfx, then it would have been worth the tradeoff in