
Really nice model. Probably the most useless gun in the game though. Weedy thing that gets instantly eclipsed by the Plasma rifle.

I didn't like Shibuya. Of all of the 'zones' in Tokyo, this is the most western and, therefore, the most uninteresting.

Good grief, thats a lot of content in a very short time. I've had a game very nearly finished, waiting for the big day.

I just love Yellow. It had so much more charm than the other games. As each progressive title gets bigger and more complex, I feel it loses more of it's personality.

Not having played Disgaea 3, is it a game where you win by spending lots of money? Certainly looks that way.

Looks nice enough, but I'm not keen on playing a 'sim' racer on a portable, it just isn't that kind of system. Ridge Racers 2 still does it for me.

Hmm. I think this Paul Wedgewood has only managed to distill what the greatest experience Paul Wedgewood could have in a video game.

@relic1980: I really liked the original Saturn pad. Seemed fine, but I guess we all have different sized hands.

That was a machine with SO MUCH potential. Alas, much of it never came to pass.

@(Survivor) Blyr: My poor poor phone bill. Wonderful game, ruined in the end by those who chose to hack it and PK others.

@The Yam!: Agreed. I'm hearting the hell out of that. Although the source code for Panzer Saga no longer exists, I'm sure it wouldn't be the hardest thing to disect and port it. Heck, the PSP could run it - even the DS could do it.

Ha. He hasn't got the Pokemon Battle Set N64. Got one of those boxed.

Of course, all they have to do is keep hold of the bottle caps and the party pays for itself! Genius.

My gaming (PS3) is generally download (Flower, WipEout HD etc) but I've pretty much exclusively been playing Fallout3 lately, though that is the exception rather than the rule.

I'm staggered that only half of all PS3 users are using PSN. I get not wanting to play online, I get that completely, but not wanting all the demos and the free stuff, let alone all the great downloadable games? I really feel that those people who are only using the PS3 to play games on disc are kinda missing the

At least we get Broken Steel first now. I need that level cap lifting ASAP.

Currently LOVING Fallout3 on PS3, but I'm level 20 and I know I'm wasting potential XP - I need Broken Steel.

Please be advised that there will be no change to the Singstar servers. They will still not function as usual.

Is this a full price title or a PSN download?