
Hmmm. The optimist in me is hoping for new modes, but that just looked like new cars in the same old battles. Heck, it doesn't matter what the car looks like when that's the only bit of the screen you're not actually watching. Shame.

I want a Yu-Gi-Oh enema!

Wow, this may actually give Burnout Paradise some kind of point if it's implemented well enough. Hoping it's not just for multiplayer, I want NPC bad guys and cops. I want sandbox Chase HQ.

The Sesame Street website says that he enjoys "Eating crunchy fruits, vegetables, and, of course, cookies!"

WipEout HD Blu-ray installed? Since when was WipEout HD available on Blu-Ray? I've never seen a copy.

Well, it's quite a nice little store but it's nothing special. It's not that big and it's a royal bitch to find. It's on a little street way off the main drag. Took us half an hour of traipsing about.

Haha. I LOVE the BS specs for it. 'Fresnel light bending technology' - 'Fresnel' is just a prism lens so the 'technology' here is a triangle of clear plastic. Oooooh!

Sounds a good idea. Of course, there's nothing to stop them selling games in-store on memory stick.

No Custers Revenge? For shame.

Edge have always been so far up their own arses, I doubt they even have the ability to see beyond a simple polygon count any more.

Wow, the good Japanese do like the same game over and over and over again, don't they?

I'm embarrassed by all of this.

Games sales are much higher in UK (partic. Nintendo sales) because there are far more kids being bought loads of videogames by their competing divorcee parents which they can play in their rooms instead of, god forbid, the parents having to actually take any part in their children growing up.

Looks flash. The Pokemon Center in Tokyo is a pretty tiny affair snuck down a sidestreet. Took us ages to find it.

Well, if there is a new film, it will , of course, be rubbish. Tron was of it's time and no-one's going to be able to replicate that magic again without screwing it up (see Transformers and all other Hollywood films of the last 2 decades).

"Country House Drawing Room Environments"?

I'd disagree. Nintendo seem to think it's very like the iPhone, or rather the iPod Touch. Just like Apple, Nintendo want to flog you apps on a device that they know you're going to have/want/upgrade.

This is an example of more=less. Burnout Paradise is a game of so many parts that it just loses focus.