
They so need to paint all of their doorframes orange and blue.

You can't have mutliple SKUs where games consoles are concerned. The whole point of games consoles (over PCs) is that you have a standardised machine, that will definitely run the game you buy, to the fullest extent.

Great little game, looks and feels like a Dreamcast title (no, wait, that's a compliment) - blue skies, silly physics and arcade-centric gameplay.

A real shame, this. The sad thing is that Soul Bubbles SHOULD be considered one of the games of the year by it's own merit. It's a really brilliant title, better than most of even the first party DS games.

There does seem to be an odd tradition of releasing these kind of games either late or not at all in the US. We've had LocoRoco 2 in UK for a few weeks now (superb sequel by the way). Only reason I can think of is that the publishers don't think the fps-buying American public will 'get' them which is rather

As far as I can ascertain from my time in it, Playstation Home is just a space where you can walk your avatar about, buying pretend stuff for real money and being advertised to by Sony from all sides.

Namco have a great name in the west. What the hell are they doing?

This was on my "This is probably going to suck" list, but it's just moved on to the "Actually. maybe it WILL be great" pile. I love Ghostbusters and my expectations are naturally going to be super high, and this looks like a proper Ghostbusters game, not just some standard genre title with a GB dressing.

Hmm. The whole game isn't based around this 'change colour' thing is it? The thing here is that the original game was pretty much perfect. They don't want to rock the boat even an inch with the sequel.

hahahaha. Man, that's too funny.

Snowboard battling. Bless. Hudson have SO felt the pulse of the youth culture circa 1995.

I hope that was the Wii version. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Yeah, but WHY do you want that experience in the first place?

Absolutely. I feel the same. Surely it's the act committed in the game that should set the rating, not the synthesized blood. Heck, kids get bloody knees all the time, they can deal with that.

Some missing of points here. Yes, I'm well aware that the ACTUAL soldier graphics in the game don't have families. I know Tron wasn't real :)

Well here we are, the FPS has finally got to where it was always going - death porn for gore fetishists. This is a war still in living memory. If we're going to move from the abstract by this degree, then think on this - every German trooper you dismember in this game, probably doesn't subscribe to the whole Nazi

Well, like most, First person shooters. But in a broader sense, I'm tired of the western trend in game design/visuals. You've got all that power and you're just rendering what are basically realistic slums and ghettos. Nice.

Yes! Pain: Amusement Park. What a game.

I work in optics. More specifically I actually make spectacles.

'Good Honest Grub' in Shibuya (nr. Kiddieland) is just that. A nice restaurant (although they apparently now only do daytime, not evenings) serving predominantly western food with nice staff. A nice respite from Shibuya's madness.