have you ever been to a day care? How many workers are men. Would you leave your kid there if it were all men. I don't think you would.
have you ever been to a day care? How many workers are men. Would you leave your kid there if it were all men. I don't think you would.
By working for Gawker you are not a journalist. Journalists are supposed to be neutral, which you are not, evidenced by the fact you work for Gawker.
good come back
Women are different from men, idiot. there is no hope for you if you can't see that. Everything is a construct. It is just that this one is best for the kids and society in the long run.
I am sorry, but the democratic party is filled with aggrieved victims.
As a Brit (in US), that is funny as bloody hell! Basil Fawlty would approve, just don’t mention the war.
You are born Vietnamese, but gay is a choice.
Vermont plates even! Probably still some "Poo" in these 100 acre woods.
If you want some dirt road time you can try and follow me in my Audi.
If you are looking to NOT drive your car in the snow, Vermont is the place to be this year!