
I didn't mind the product placement stuff. Showing Charlie's illiteracy in mistaking "Closed" for "Coors" was worth having a brand name in there. And the Dave & Buster's stuff: I grew up just outside of Philadelphia, and whenever The Gang mentions specific locations and landmarks in the Philly area, for me it's a

The cast is just so talented. I've realized that part of why I love this show so much is that the actors get so lost in their characters that it's hard to believe that these are the same people who created the show and write and produce each episode. It's like I'm subconsciously thinking "How could The Gang possibly

Dee's awesome drunk voice: "Alright, Mr. Kim, my name is Rita Fire… s. Hmm, Fires. And I'm from the National Health Inspectors, uh, Store…"

When Charlie's in his apartment songwriting at his keyboard, and he and Dennis are tossing out lyric ideas for "Day Man" - one of the funniest Dennis moments, imo, is when he spontaneously comes up with the "Ahhhhhh" in between the phrasing of the lyrics. The expression on his face when he looks at Charlie, like he

They don't have a deep bench.

Sickness will surely take the mind where minds can't usually go. Come on the amazing journey and learn all you should know.

"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?
Or was it the hand of fate, that seemed to fit just like a glove?"
(From "One Slip", off Momentary Lapse Of Reason)