Live Aid 1983

Why don't you use your other usernames:

Do your sisters whine about how I never fuck them both enough?

Why don't you use your other usernames:

Nope, some stupid, dumb fuck teen troll:

He's a teenager and a very poor troll. This is what he looks like:

What's the matter? Are your sisters, Yemi and Jocie, not okay with sucking dick? It's perfectly ok. Or can you dish it out but not take it?

You're not getting with this face. I mean, look at how close your eyes are together and how your ears stick out. Who would fuck you without paying first?

Can Yemi suck mean dick? I bet she can. What about Joice? Yeabsira? Will they suck mine?

Do your sisters and mother suck dicks? Bet they would suck mine for a little money, as I'm sure they need it. Do they have wide lips? Big mouths so I could shove it in?

Here's Sometimes I wish gay sex wasn't so stigmatized mug. He can't make fun of anyone with a face like this:

Are you trying to insult her? I would say you could troll better, but you can't. You're too fucking stupid not to tell everyone who you are.
But you do have some nice dick-sucking lips. Don't ignore your true calling, dick-sucker.

Aren't you bi? What would your Christian parents and family think? Stay celibate, no would fuck you with a mug like yours:

You're arguing with a troll. This is him:

Yeah right, like anyone would give you some with a face like this:

We got information about him, if you're interested.

You know who looks like a whore?
