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"How Apple Will Do Multitouch On Macs"

Awesome! So the online OSX app store will have the same 12 titles as in the retail stores? How convenient!

Chillingo = Great

"AppleĀ® will broadcast its October 20 event online using Apple's industry-leading HTTP Live Streaming, which is based on open standards."

I must have watched it at least 2 dozen times...where's the pretty girl!?!?!?!

I love the scrolling in the beginning. Very slick!

"This is truly crazy data"

Was the cop a dick? Yes. Was the women a stupid moron that got what she deserved? YES!

Ok done! Now where do I put all my friggen shoes?

Actually, with all the workout video type apps for the kinect, Oprah's audience is a MAJOR 360 demographic.

"even people inside the distortion field will begin to resent being told half a story."

"when Apple's slinging mud their way."