Live N Learn

Screw all of you! This is real! I've done it before so I know!!!

Take off your X Ray glasses read way to far into that one.

So that's long as it's also legal for me to beat the shit out of the person planting it when I find that person on my property that for all I know could be planting a bomb or cutting my break line. Do I also get to shoot him for breaking and entering?

"when Microsoft's Xbox 360 controller is much more comfortable"

Bulletproof unstoppable bitches.....SOLD!!!

One thing I wish they would fix...if you drag and drop a folder with the same name as one that exists and the user clicks ok without reading IT ERASES ALL EXISTING FILES!!!!!!!!!

In 1 quick minute OSX becomes (yet again) even more like windows.

Raise your hand is you were holding your breath......anyone?......that's what I thought.

Great, now all the stoners can STAY THE FUCK HOME, off the streets and hang out with each other.

Screw that! It's call an on board compressor. Takes me about 30 seconds to blow up a queen...... I think I just scared a few San Fran residents.....either that or made a few giggle....LOL

I don't get it.

I like some of her music but those apps are horrible. Riddled with bugs and they stutter too much thus screwing you up. No sale!