
I totally agree. I just turned 30 this year and it’s come up a lot, this idea of aging. But I honestly feel healthier now than I did in my early 20s. In my early 20s I drank a ton, didn’t exercise, and just generally gave zero fucks. Now I’m a way more responsible drinker, work out on a regular basis and enjoy it, eat

I don’t have a problem with people wanting to make my fantasies a reality. The problem is that he clearly assumes everyone has the SAME fantasy, which is just dumb. Has he SEEN the weird shit on PornHub these days? People have ALL SORTS of fantasies. Pretty sure tall skinny white women is just a very specific fantasy

I second your sentiment!

RIGHT?! Why didn’t he just smother him to death?!

VERY accurate. And unfortunately I am at an age now where I find it all TOO accurate to the degree where it is infuriating. I was both really glad they went there (it made sense!) and in agony and screaming at my computer screen the entire time.

I wonder how frustrating it must be for other gymnasts. At least they thought they could count on her sucking at bars, because that was always her weakest apparatus. But then she takes a haitus, trains for a year, and comes back better than ever to place silver in the event. She just keeps improving! She truly is

Well I guess I’d argue there are foods available with take out that has vegetables in it... like Chinese food. Actually in food deserts there are great pockets of communities cooking food that is VERY CHEAP and also nutritious and could expand a child’s pallet. I think sometimes it depends on what is available around

And sometimes it’s about exploring your interests or changing your mind. One assumes you’ll be working out regularly for the rest of your life so it makes sense that maybe you do something for a year, get bored, do something else. But what we do instead is really box each other in with these set expectations of how

Right! It keeps your body moving and it’s something you enjoy. Most of the time. Probably? Ahah.

RIGHT! I think part of people hating to work out is that we’re fed this prescribed idea of what “working out” should look like. When it really means just “move your body for maybe an hour a day.” And that could mean anything. Go for long walks. Lift. Cardio. Hikes. Yoga. Zumba. Sports with friends. People should find

I love how in her vault people in actual horror. Anyway. The fact that she did all of that after dealing with fucking kidney stones is still insane to me. The woman is unstoppable.

ARGGG second that sadness of Sarah’s life. I really wished she could have seen there’s room to balance both. Maybe off camera, in the future, she got it to together.

I actually LOVE romantic comedies but recently they’ve just made me super angry... so I’m really hoping this provides some more of the fun and less of the patronizing women and minorities stuff that romcoms in the modern era do. Kind of like Crazy Rich Asians! PLUS they’re right! Women like Rebel Wilson NEVER get to

And even while dealing with a kidney stone. Pretty sure  most people can’t even get out of bed after getting one those those and here Simone is doing superhuman gymnastics.

I also think she just tells stories in such a way that It sounds dramatic. However if you’re genuinely feeling depressed and you aren’t happy in your marriage, being constantly tearful for a few weeks (1.5 months) isn’t really abnormal. This all sounds nuts out of context but if you actually watch the show It makes a

I mean. Especially if this dude is going to be making decisions for you because you live there. Like it’s bad enough if your shitty family member decides a stupid restaurant to go to. Imagine hating the dude and sitting back while he decides how much money your kids’ school gets, whether you can get an abortion, where

Well it’s possible the family chose not to file charges. Sometimes the police come and people decide they don’t want to take legal action.

I think it’s kind of like a probability thing? There are more 5'2" women for tall men to date than 5'10"+ women. As a 5'2" woman who has dated very tall men, I’d gladly help you out and direct those men over to you. But it’s possible you wouldn’t want to date them anyway. :/

Pretty sure divorce was not an option back then....

I’m kind of confused by the animosity in the comments for Thorne... am I missing something? From reading this piece and what little I’ve seen of her in the news, she kind of just seems like any other 21-year-old. A little lacking in self-awareness, very experimental, poor future planning (like dude... 19 cats?!). She