
“I totally made a mistake in the way I represented that.”

Hmmmm in what way could he have represented differently the words that he said? His statement was pretty definitive. “There aren’t that many women directors out there. We’ve checked.” Seems like what he meant was, “I didn’t mean to show everyone how little

The power trip AND the self-righteousness. “Oh I’ve done something for god and stuck it to some uppity woman who thought she could trick me into sinning” vs “oh right I’m a fucking pharmacist, and I just told a woman she’s lying when she said there’s a dead fetus inside of her.” People are disgusting. Vomit is right.

They’ll defend the rights of a dead fetus but sat nothing about live birthed children gunned down in their schools or kept in cages. Because denying someone else something in the name of your beliefs is easier than actually putting anything of yourself on the line to defend others.

Biles really DOESN’T have anything to prove. She has pretty much swept in her sport as much as she humanly can except to perhaps win a medal on bars. Otherwise, she is pretty much just competing with herself at this point and she knows it. She’s pushing herself, taking risks in her routines, and saying whatever she

She had a right to express her opinion. Simone had a right to express her opinion by criticizing it. Bono then made a choice. She could have stuck to her guns or turned tail. Lots of people receive heaps of criticism all the time and don’t change their minds. Bono isn’t a victim. She is a former politician now in

AND she stuck the landing with only a slight bounce because her is so fucking powerful she’s going to bounce back up before she lands. What a fucking unreal person.

I mean... is this a bad thing? Or are you just pointing it out? The latter is fine. I would argue that it’s honest journalism to say, “look, we have an opinion piece on minimum wage” and also, “look, here is a story on how advancement in minimum wage can go wrong.” And then it’s kind of up to the readers to decide

Like... ADOPTED brothers. So you know. It’s fine. <_<

I can’t imagine a man who does to strangers doesn’t engage in some pretty fucked up shit at home with his wife.... and now that he’s lost his job? Oh man....


Speaking of Reginald, do you watch Brooklyn 99? Because he was in that and he was hilarious.

Wait. WHAT?! Where did you hear about Salad Fingers?!

Your stepmother is really interesting. I’m the child of Chinese immigrants and from what I can tell of them and their friends, they aren’t generally afraid of the government. They’ve just been trained REALLY WELL to not give a shit. Like stuff happens and they basically just go, “*shrugs* Yeah the government is

TBH I’ve kind of just given up. My PRs had stagnated a while back and I was looking up ways to get stronger and all roads pointed to, “You aren’t eating enough protein.” But like. The recommended amount to pack on muscle is just way too much meat for me to WANT to consume. The fact that protein powder exists so that I

Dunno. I feel like 3 glasses of wine on an empty stomach filled only with water might make me a little queasy. 

It’s so important! Especially for a woman as physically and mentally strong as Serena. I’m sure she’s had to deal with SOOO much fucking bullshit (I mean just look at the racist sexist coverage of her in the news) from people for just being the badass unstoppable athlete that she is. She needs a man who can just

It’s also unclear to me why they would give a fuck whether someone could pay or not. Does that come out of their paychecks? I was under the impression that the people who work these jobs get paid either way, and it’s the company or hospital that ultimately has the foot the bill of patients can’t pay. It’s no skin off

“equally and fairly”

Hmmmmm equality is fine but equity is sexier.

They had an open relationship. They were both grown adults. People have so much else going on in their lives outside of their romantic relationships and Bourdain was trying to get help for something that was clearly pretty impactful on his life. There could be so many things affecting his MH outside of seeing his

ACTUALLY this is untrue. Let’s not contribute to the irony of attacking one woman in an attempt to deny the attacking of a different woman.

ACTUALLY, I was on her Instagram this weekend and saw that she’d written a note about her loss. In the comments section the top comment was admonishing people who were blaming here. Regrettably, I scrolled down out of curiosity and was pretty disappointed by what I saw. Once I got past the top positive comments (about