I think it really is how much Theron can convey with a single slight body movement or shift in facial expression. In Tully she says so much without saying anything at all. It’s just so fucking good.
I think it really is how much Theron can convey with a single slight body movement or shift in facial expression. In Tully she says so much without saying anything at all. It’s just so fucking good.
The part where she calls her a caricature of a black woman is especially offensive. Banks doesn’t have authority over how black women can or cannot act. It goes back to the madonna or whore, mammy or the jezebel dichotomies. Either black women are the monolith from which we place Michelle Obama at the top of the…
I actually was not aware of this video.... Wow. Clearly I live under a rock. Or am a meme clairvoyant.
Not sure why he looks so pensive though...?
Junot Diaz. Sherman Alexie. SIGH. Who will we be disappointed by next? Ta-Nehisi Coates better be on his best fucking behavior.
Nope. COPS. Everyone gets a cop.
I mean it’s definitely not great but I don’t know if we need all this doom and gloom. If you take a glance at the Billboard top 100 (which is what I hear on the radio), there are several women on there such as Cardi B, your previously mentioned Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello, and Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line which…
It’s always weird to me how surprised the WHCA is by people’s speeches. They hire comedians to do comedian things, ALL of whom have been part of the liberal media. Like the number of people they’ve asked to speak who have been on the Daily Show staff is astounding and they do it during Republican terms. They’re…
I personally wish I could’ve seen what that dinner was like for her the rest of the evening. Don Lemon seemed to have LOVED it. Everyone on stage? Not so much. Do you think she ran the fuck out of there ASAP or do you think she hung around and waited to see what might happen a la Littlefinger from Game of Thrones? I’d…
Ahaha I think the weirdest thing about this IS that their takeaway was that Michelle Wolf made fun of Sarah’s looks. She called her a liar... and complimented her eye make-up. I mean... I guess if her lying is so awful she wears it on her face it could be true. But that would be them saying that. Not Wolf.
THAT is the huge difference. It CAN be brutal and tough hearing someone tell some hard and BITING truths about you. But damn the POINT is that you come and let someone make fun of you for a night because ultimately the rest of the year you spend your entire career roasting and deconstructing everyone else. These…
I imagine it’s been at least a year since the whole thing happened? At least 9 months.... I think they probably didn’t expect to have the baby. Birth control is a viable option but condoms, pills, and all other methods usually expire after a while. It could be very reasonable that they either ran out of pills, the…
This reminds me a little of the Louis CK situation. When the story first broke years ago that he had exposed himself to women, it was treated merely as a “rumor” and it kind of died on its own without much fanfare. Then years later (maybe years? or maybe just like 1 or 2) more stories came out with what APPEARED to be…
“You’re talking about an 11-year-old, you worked your butt off and you didn’t get that, what you needed or wanted,” said one big-mad woman. “You’re telling them that you’re not going to go to a school that’s going to educate them the same way you’ve been educated. Life sucks!”
Oh hey. Sounds like they might now know a…
I mean this makes the most sense honestly. I doubt it’s because these people suddenly grew a conscience, not after years of witnessing this already. More than likely he could no longer afford to pay them and they could tell shit was about to hit the fan so better to get out now.
I would disagree with you on that. Philadelphia is like any other city with people who have and don’t have implicit biases. I know this thread has gotten pretty long but I posted a news report from 6ABC Philly: http://6abc.com/what-a-witness-says-happened-during-phila-starbucks-arrests/3342444/
The article accounts…
I mean it’s true. I totally own up to that. That model minority shit man.
I’m not really sure which part of my comment you’re responding to. At no point did I say the behavior of this one employee reflects Starbucks universally as a company. Nor did I ever attack the police officers. Unless you’re replying to others on this thread? I didn’t read all of them so that’s totally possible.
Yeah I mean it’s pretty universal I think. I legit have been THAT guy who walks in, does homework, and buys nothing. For hours.