
Yeah Lemonade was definitely a better album than 25. I’m not mad about Hello winning best song but it’s bullshit Lemonade did not get best album. Lemonade was really unique and different and is the kind of envelope pushing thing that should get rewarded. Instead the Grammys goes with 25, a perfectly fine but very safe

I’m kind of excited to see what it’ll be like for Trump to actually meet Putin? Will he try and yank on Putin’s hand like that? Will Putin yank back? I mean Trump is an Alpha wannabe but Putin is kind of the real deal....

Melania wishes she were as badass as Madelana.

Yes! Both very childlike. Both incredibly spiteful and have done really shitty things. Marry some random chick from the country ‘cause she’s hot.

I was referring to the original article. Gupta compared her to a Disney Princess.

Does anyone here watch Galavant? (RIP GALAVANT). Because what you just said and the whole “Disney Princess” analogy, made me think of Queen Madalena. Who, as we all know, was very much a Disney Princess who married a Disney Villain and kind of loved it.

“They told me they would keep me in this position if I would commit to not disagreeing with our president for the remainder of his term.”

Yeah I really don’t understand. Like. For a guy educated at Harvard and Oxford it kind of just baffles my mind. I’m pretty sure the founding fathers would’ve thought interracial marriage was a terrible idea. Would think it obvious to limit the black vote. And have historical precedent for wanted to murder all native

“Gorsuch said that judges should strive “to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be”

I find this to be the most disturbing? It kind of just doesn’t

You really need to be a certain body type to wear this. Like... not short.....

I’m rooting for Lin but Lala Land did win at the Golden Globes so..... We’ll see.

It’s shocking. Because as you and I both know, Chris Brown is usually much more self-aware than that.

That’s some Orwellian newspeak right there.

“I doubt you’ll be able to do any better and who could love you anyway? You’ve really let yourself go over the years and only I can make you great again.”

Elimination of public schools: “You don’t need to go to school. What do you need to be so smart for? You probably wouldn’t make it even if you wanted to.”

“He actually gave up more money, more power, more prestige, more position than he will have”

Physical punishment when associated with a tangible discrete reason and up to a certain age has been found by psychologists to meh? Not amazing. Not particularly more effective than just taking stuff away or light chiding and much less effective than a rewards system or positive reinforcement. Kids usually

I find it very interesting that the key lawmaker here is a woman. I mean. That is some pretty intense internalized self hatred, right? It’d only be worse if she was an actual victim of domestic violence and she was standing up there with a black eye defending her husband’s right to beat her. It’s....just sad.

“obviously is a challenge in terms of his physical resemblance”

Literally could’ve cast - like - a light skinned black guy or something. I mean. Those exist. There are many shades to being a person of color....

Like or they’re both greyish people? Flawed human beings with issues that are exploding all over everything? Because you’re right. I mean.... CYS doesn’t normally get involved like that unless there’s compelling reason to. I guess I’m not going to peg either of them as bad people. It always seemed like they cared a

Yeah like this is all conjecture on our parts. Ahaha here is the Brangelina Rorschach test. Project as you wish.