
Yeah I mean that is totally possible. We don’t know anything really so anythings possible. I guess I just get reminded of that Ask Alice (??) post a while back on Jezzy where someone asked what to do if your boyfriend is friends with a creep and you keep getting told you’re crazy for wanting to get rid of him.

Yeah I’m definitely FOR sealing the damn files. She’s always been about protecting her kids and what not. Seems like a no brainer that she would want to seal that shit RIGHT AWAY. Maybe she just wants the rest of the world who finally know the shit she’s been dealing with and finally thought better of it. Or maybe he

It’s kind of unfair though don’t you think? I mean... who the fuck knows WHAT Brad’s deal is. He is, in the least, confirmed to be better at handling his emotions at a time like this and playing the game at least to the point where he’s looking prettier than Jolie. But I mean... there’s also a lot of bias when it

That sucks. There’s no honor in that kind of bullshit.

Liking the same men doesn’t need to get in the way either. My friend liked the same guy I was dating once and when we broke up she asked politely if I was ok with her hitting on him and I told her to go for it and handed her his number.

That’s pretty untrue. The people they’ve gotten have been people who are pretty mired in their own genre. I was there for Outkast. The white people like... didn’t get it. BUT the idea is that these people are such good performers people who don’t even know who the fuck they are will still come and watch. And there are

what is their temperament? I don’t think I’ve a think ive tabloids those tabloids

Charlize has....questionable taste in men. She and Halle Berry should talk.

Michelle is always what Obama is screaming on the inside. He has to keep up the good face but she can side eye all she wants. It’s great.

God that frame that’s previewing this video. Obama looks like he’s staring into the void and the void stared back. I have to wonder wtf kind of conversations are going on right now in the white house with regard to Aleppo. Does Obama want to go in? Are they encouraging him not to? I understand the frustration and I

Assad apparently seems content to rule over a pile of rubble and corpses.

It’s like these people are finally realizing what Star Wars is about...

I’m glad she had a relatively mature and sane conversation with Trevor. Even if everything she said felt pretty wrong to me... Reminds me of when Stewart used to invite Bill O’Reilly on the show. We may not agree but if the interviewer is able to point out this discrepancies rather than normalize those opinions, it

These people are trapped in a city that is being bombed nonstop. They don’t have resources and no one is coming to help them. At a time like this when there is essentially nothing you can do except scramble for cover and wish for the best, the only thing you can probably do is document what you see in hopes that

Not sure how you can be arrested for trespassing in a store. How exactly do you trespass in a store? When theoretically you live in a country where anyone can go anywhere to buy things....

Tonight at 11: The slow deconstruction of reason as we know it and how the American people learned to stop believing in facts. Stayed tuned for our follow-up documentary series on the matter, premiering January 2017. It’s titled: 2+2=5. It’s sure to be a ratings grabber.

Also on tonight? Is science witch craft and

I suppose at this point they know what they’re getting into....??

Kanye West might need legitimate psychological care.......

What’s weird is that she’s a minority. Does she think these people won’t purge her too?

Do you think he liked it? I mean. The damn show is lead by an openly gay man who is HIV positive. And there’s a line that says “immigrants. we get the job done.” I bet he thinks Hamilton and its creator are different from the “bad” immigrants they’re trying to protect America from. “We love the productive good