Seriously. I never thought I would see the day that I would miss Bush. Yet here we are. T_T
Seriously. I never thought I would see the day that I would miss Bush. Yet here we are. T_T
Oh so he’s one of THOSE people. “Trump is good for the country because it’ll wake us up and get us moving.”
Pretty sure there’s a better way to wake America up than electing an orange skin sack for president so that he can allow the most conservative, racist, and sexist politicians in Washington to control the country.…
I feel like Meghan Kelly is starting to realize she’s signed her soul away to satan and is trying to back out like a rat off a sinking ship. Except she helped sink that ship.
I hear yellow badges are in fashion these days. At least according the Kris Kobach, whose initials are just one letter away from being KKK. I think that pretty much says it all.
I feel like the court should just preemptively prevent this guy from ever having children. Is that something the court can do? Because if two women would rather have abortions than have your child and another woman REFUSES to allow you to bring an embryo she shares with you to term through surrogate, then CLEARLY you…
The problem is who are the good guys? Who are we even invading? If all of Europe and then the US become conservative and far right wont we all just agree with each other and it’ll just be the citizens who are like, “fuck al of this?” I mean if they’re getting more conservative and are blowing smoke up Putin’s ass it…
You know he’s actually gotten a lot better since those dog paintings.
To be fair, doesn’t he always look like that? I feel like it’s almost unnatural when I see a picture of him smiling because he does it so infrequently.
How appropriate for an aspiring dictator to appoint his own family and those he promised spots in the new regime should they support him to positions of power.
Is Chris Christie the court jester in our new monarchy? The man is a literal Greek tragedy at this point. All he needs is for the kin killing to commence.
“the Obamas canceled a photo-op of the president and First Lady with Donald and Melania Trump outside the White House’s south entrance.”
LOLZ. Michelle was like, “No Barack. You go be the bigger man but imma be right here fucking pissed as hell. I will NOT be in the same photograph as Trump.”
It’s actually really interesting socially. Women (white women?) have been asked by society for SO LONG to identify with a white man and have been told SO LONG that women are not as capable of leading that that internalized self-hatred left them to vote for Trump. Not that it should even take away personal…
I hope by flamboyant supporting role you mean to say that Rihanna will be the Chris Tucker type person from the Fifth Element. Because that would be awesome.
“If we continue to move forward rather than slide back into this threatening Trumpian hellmouth of hate and bigotry, we might be lucky enough to arrive at a point where voting for a woman or voting for a black man doesn’t feel merely symbolic.”
Here’s hoping we’re on a roll and every president from now on is some kind…
Right?! Like yeah he’s dated lots of models. She’s married him and had a kid with him. Seems like she’d like to maintain the mature relationship she’s shared with the man she loves. And because he dated these women might mean they’re nice ladies. Personally I’d be wary if my husband only dated assholes.
Man I wonder if he ever wakes up in a cold sweat thinking, “Shit. It’s all down hill from here. Where the hell do you go? And I’m only in my 30s.”
Yeah he’s a way better actor and rapper than he is a singer. Maybe he’s not a Tony-award level actor but he’s a DAMN good actor. He’s just very natural on stage and in roles. Unlike many stage actors, I don’t generally feel like he’s putting on a part when he’s in filmed roles. I watched him on SNL and he just blended…
I don’t know if you can say he’s “not a great rapper.” Have you actually seen him improv? He can rhyme just about anything. There’s no way he couldn’t hold his own against most dudes out there. And this is coming from someone who is pretty aware of hip hop.
No you’re right. He’s not a bad singer and he certainly keeps on tune but his voice itself doesn’t necessarily have the special qualities the other cast members of Hamilton have. Take Phillipa Soo or Leslie Lamar Odom Jr. just to name a couple. His voice also doesn’t resonate or stand as strong compared to his more…
Except people already started getting pissed about this, accusing it of removing Christmas out of the cups and pushing political agendas. Like what is the deal with people these days? A cup with some pictures of people meant to symbolize unity is a political message now? I guess we’ve fully embraced our default, “hate…
To be fair, it’s easy to accidentally type “cunt” when trying to type “Clinton.” They are incredibly similar words. As they both start with the same letter. Because English.