I definitely had an Uber driver go “5%” longer before. Except that “5%” longer involved missing the exit to the airport and going through the toll booth 2 times more than necessary. Which I got charged for. So that was great.
I definitely had an Uber driver go “5%” longer before. Except that “5%” longer involved missing the exit to the airport and going through the toll booth 2 times more than necessary. Which I got charged for. So that was great.
Ah college. Where serial rapists get to practice their craft with impunity.
Yeah that was SO WEIRD. I honestly think Paul Ryan believes what he does is creating equality for everyone because he comes from the very privileged perspective that everyone can be like Alexander Hamilton. That ANYONE can make themselves into a better person no matter where they come from and thus they don’t need…
I feel like our legal system doesn’t understand what a hate crime even is anymore. Like. Is it a hate crime if it’s a Chinese woman using cultural norms SHE HERSELF understands to trick other Chinese people into giving her their money? It’s exploitation certainly. It’s fucked up certainly. But is it a hate crime?…
Yeah wth was up with that?? He just liked the fact that she’d struggle against him and want to run away. The moment she wanted him back he didn’t want it. Gross.
Dude this cartoon gave me the willies, even as a child. When I was little I just found Le Pew annoying. Now as an adult I’m pretty sure it was that whole lack of consent and overt sexual harassment thing.
I wonder if before it didn’t feel like a big enough deal. Like taking down Donald Trump just wasn’t all that interesting back before he was a presidential candidate. He was the orange blowhard who did reality TV once in a while and was already known as a huge jerk so meh. But now that he’s running for president and…
“University of Maryland is the only college they know of that is charging their students to specifically handle their sexual assault cases.”
Arrggg I hear that all too common. Even with police officers. As a minor you don’t HAVE to talk without your parents there. And even as an adult you don’t have to talk without a lawyer. They just take advantage of the fact that you’re ignorant and young to get you to say something damming.
I’m unsure as to why someone under 18 is being tried as an adult. The entire point of legal adulthood or childhood is to create a difference between how adults and children are treated legally. There are actual purposeful murdering children who haven’t been tried as adults. Why do we insist kids are just kids and…
In some ways it makes sense (disappointing and disgusting but makes sense) considering how we bend over backwards to protect rapists and sex offenders or just asshole dudes in general while constantly blaming victims for things out of their control. I’m sure the VA fired him to cover their own asses and avoid any more…
Of all the white washing fails, casting Mulan as a white woman would probably be the worst. Like would that movie still even be set in China at that point? Because how the hell else would you explain a random white chick being dropped in the middle of a homogenous Asian society? It would actually be ridiculous in a…
“he does not wish to back down on a ban against aborting children with Down Syndrome”
Is this such a massive issue that they’re willing to ALSO ban abortions in cases of rape, incest, and the mother’s life?
Makes sense he wants to fuck her. That’s the next logical step for someone who probably actually has narcissistic personality disorder. I mean, wouldn’t they want to then just fuck their own image? Their kid?
Right? And like so what if she were an actual literal whore? Does that mean she would deserve to be violated and robbed? It’s so rude and callous to believe and say things like that.
oOOOhhhh that makes sense. Thanks!
This article is confusingly written. “Thus far unarmed” indicates he wasn’t armed at all? Or unarmed at the time of the police stopping him? Are the police claiming that the boy fired shots at them and thus they fired back? Or are we implying he wasn’t armed ever and the police are lying?
EDIT: So after reading the…
You really do have to watch seasons 3 and 4. I completely understand if you just can’t drag your way through season 2 but since you already did I swear to GOD seasons 3 and 4 are fantastic. The hardest (an honestly most disappointing and agonizing) part is over! No the series as a whole can’t hold a candle to the Last…
As a therapist, an 8 person family therapy session sounds like a headache.
Ah the old “lots of consensual sex means you can’t have non-consensual sex” argument. Obviously if you’re someone who enjoys sex and has it frequently of your own volition with lots of different people it is then IMPOSSIBLE for you to NOT want sex with someone.