
That’s kind of hilarious. One of the criticisms about the wage gap is the very real reality that the more money you have the better health care you can afford. Except now the more money you have the more you can afford to furnish your own ill informed ideas about “health” and thus pay top dollar for WORSE health care.

Serious question. Can someone explain how it all ended up costing $700,000? Or more?

People love to talk about how in the grand scheme of things we live great lives compared to those in other countries. We don’t experience real oppression or fear. I mean in other countries people are being beaten, murdered, and raped with impunity. It’s not like that happens here in the US.

I’m not sure why politicians aren’t freaking out about this as much as Ebola. Is it because it isn’t fatal unless you’re an infected newborn child? Or is it because it can be spread sexually? Or both? Because from what I’ve learned Republicans will do anything to keep you from aborting a child, no matter the issues,

It’s kind of unfortunate how insistent her reps have to be that she is NOT taking a hiatus due to some sort of substance abuse. Like it’s a source of shame and mockery if it’s due to some sort of addiction when those people are also dealing with a lot of shit. It’s also sad just because we assume that if someone takes

“The police say Gao confessed to the killings, which began in August of 1988"

Guys. I was born in August of 1988. Not sure what that means but it definitely weirds me out...?

I still can’t get over the fact that Stanford decided to go with the whole drinking thing. Did they also have some kind of safe sex and consent awareness initiative we just don’t know about? Or are they literally just going to blame alcohol for all the rape that goes on and warn women to drink less? Bullshit.

I don’t see how 3 fucking days of snowboarding in Aspen wouldn’t be enough of a workout. I’ve both skiied out there and done Crossfit, and if you’re really challenging yourself, skiing for 3 days straight is more than enough exercise.

“That was voted in to our state constitution by the voters of Florida. That’s what I was defending. Had nothing to do — I’ve never said I don’t like gay people, that’s ridiculous.”

“I was defending the constitution of what over 69 percent of the voters put in the constitution.”

2 points for Sweden. -1000 points for USA. As expected. Like universal health care and public education, the Scandanavians are Good Samaritan-ing better than us.

“rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.”

20 minutes is plenty to stab 20 people. Shoot dozens more. Took me like 2 minutes to take a dump today. Pretty sure I’d get longer than 6 months if I took a dump in the wrong places. And a conviction like that can get me placed on a sex offenders list.

Yeah well if Leslye Headland is at all part of that writing team you’ll just be stuck with bullshit like “man teaches woman how to masturbate because she is too helpless to figure it out for herself or from a female friend” and “female lead is inexplicably in her underwear ALL THE FUCKING TIME.”

Dude I was thinking the exact same thing. Like Tormund look at you rocking out and relaxing south of the Wall.

Yeah. Except Sony is holding onto those characters like Smaug does to gold...

Agreed. If you don’t agree with racism then don’t be a part of the problem. You’re accusing someone of plagiarism. Just do that. There is no need to bring in homophobic and islamaphobic language. It’s just sadder when she tried to justify her behavior and chide Zayn for not realizing they are allies as minorities in

If those comments existed in a vacuum that’d be ok. It’s just sad and completely against the messages she attempts to preach when she discusses being in the same boat with someone but still tries to justify calling them a series of homophobic and racial slurs. It just makes it feel like she says those supposedly

I just don’t see how calling someone things like “curry scented bitch,” “sand n*****”, “punjab” etc... is supposed to remind someone that you are all in the same boat. Like why didn’t she come out saying what she said in the text? “Hey man, we’re all people of color being marginalized in this industry. Can you please

“And there is no clear identification or definition of gender identity.”

McRory keeps saying things that sound like he is AGAINST bathroom gender discrimination and it’s confusing me. Like... YEAH. So... if there ISN’T any clear or real definition of gender identity BECAUSE IT IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT then why is McRory

Yeah sure. But that doesn't mean the right wing doesn't still try and make policies about it. To them pretty much anything is a baby. Except actual babies.