
Dude yeah! It was on Jezebel a while back I believe. Where they were trying to make women give a funeral to their fetuses.

I love that she wanted to keep the pregnancy and even wanted to bury the child but was STILL unable to do so. Even though that’s what some law makers are trying to mandate now.

On the bright side I guess the people who complain about this also complain about the trans issues and gay marriage stuff? So like.... Maybe we can just quarantine them?

I’m glad that this is the sane solution to making sure the “right” people are going to the “right” bathrooms. Randomly standing outside of women’s bathrooms and telling them they are not dressed like women. WOMEN’S BATHROOMS specifically. Apparently we don’t care about policing men’s bathrooms.

Well to be fair, he is also 6'9" and probably close to 300lb during strongman training season. A man that size needs A SHIT TON OF FOOD.

The epicness of those fros though...

There are a lot of positive youth intervention programs targeted specifically at boys with the implication that only boys fight. They have mentorship for young men of color, community service, counseling, juvenile detention, etc... Girls are commonly associated with relational aggression and society either doesn’t

From experience even if you’re in a close by hotel, it’s like a 15-20 minute walk from the entrance of the grounds to the actual stage. There’s tons of shaded areas to hide under. Best bet is to make friends with someone who has a camp site because then you can also hide there and rehydrate if you need to without

I think I just said cis to be specific. As far as I know there haven’t been any trans individuals on American Idol... there have been on The Voice I think? But I could be wrong.

I do wonder who is in fact voting on this show. Because when you look at who actually gets the commercial success it hasn’t been any recent idols really and def not the cis straight white dudes save Daughtry and he didn’t even win. Does that count? Its like the people who are voting aren’t the people who go out and

I wish this article was as woke as the actual person. Mr. Ward was able to use non-gendered language because clearly he understands that not all people who menstruate might identify as women. Check out his use of phrases like “menstruating friends.” This guy gets it.

Well yeah I think the issue is that they called it “British colonial themed” when like... you could just fucking call it “world fusion” or some shit. Colonialism did bring foods from all over the world closer to the Western Hemisphere, but it was exchanging way before that too. And since then. It just seems kind

Honestly right now I’m just trying to imagine that kind of diplomacy and maturity from some of our presidential candidates and it’s pretty hard. ::sigh::

Is it weird that my first thought was, “Oh maybe she killed her father and is now on the lam from justice.”

This was a much sadder ending.... T_T

What is she an infant? That’s like the first lesson they teach a human being. Don’t pull an animal’s tail. Jesus.

But so... is this really a thing that happens a lot? Parents taking their 6 and under kids to see rated R movies? Like....whyyyyyyy

Regular American stuff...? What does that consist of? Yeah whenever she talks she always seems super good at tempering her father’s crazy, even before he started running for president. She kind of keeps a low profile and does a good job at what she does. It’s probably hard being his kid anyway because he’s always

Well.... you work with what God gave you I guess.

And let’s be honest. Ivanka is by far the most successful and seemingly best adjusted of the 3 siblings. She's done great with her fathers mantle.

Because that is what he was concerned about. Not that he’d done these heinous things to HIS OWN CHILD but that he’d have to lose time on his life for it. Wow....