
I’m glad Jen kept the spotlight on Ben regarding the nanny. He made a poor decision and the kids lost someone they were close to. She didn’t bash the nanny or imply the nanny was a bad person. Classy Jen. Way classy.

Did they only stream the first two performances? T_T

Maybe he stopped himself from going to recruitment events because he knew people would have knowledge of him being a complete douche. Maybe he should file a Title IX suit against himself.

It would’ve been nice if they’d let Sasheer Zamata sing a verse... or Leslie Jones sing more than 10 seconds. Like seriously.

But seriously. A 40-year-old man bullying a teenage girl. Clearly because he was feeling emasculated by being a grown man whose martial arts level is the same as yours. When actually he should have been encouraging you because that’s freakin’ awesome.

I meant to say “not 10.” Missed the typo until it was too late.

I mean to say “not 10.” Totally didn’t catch that typo till it was too late.

I find it hard to believe that Hillary just misspoke. She was 10 during the Reagan administration. I’m pretty sure she should be able to remember exactly what their stance/non-stance on AIDS and HIV was. Feels like a pretty calculated move to me, however miscalculated it ended up being.

Why would GOP voters want Nancy Reagan revised into an AIDS advocate? Seems like they’d be pretty mad about this too....

It’s comforting to know us Americans aren’t the only ones in Western society failing to do much for battered women. Looks like it’s a universal thing! HURRAAAAHHH!!!

It’s kind of amazing that the reason campus shootings happen is because students manage to somehow bring guns to campus. BEFORE they were ever allowed to conceal their firearms. Apparently the solution to this isn’t to make it harder to bring firearms to campus but to make it EASIER. Now you can hide your weapons as

This is beautiful.

Actually, the judge was a woman. Not all men need to complicit. Especially not when we’ve got women helping out with the policing.

I’m wondering if nations also told their female athletes to not have babies for the next 2 years? Just in case?

Awe man. That’s terrible.

Awe yeah. didn’t he originate the role?

Arrrg so lame. Did you get to exchange your tickets?

Pretty sure at this point Jonas is the worst name ever. The word is equivalent to “doom.”

MY GOD. I am so sorry. And I feel your pain. We drove through the snow storm and were told only an hour before the show at the door by the staff that they had to cancel due to De Blasio declaring a state of emergency. The fates are cruel my friend. So very cruel. Did you at least get a refund?

Watching this just reminded me of that one time I got tickets for Hamilton at face value 4 months in advance only to have the show cancelled by FUCKING SNOW STORM JONAS.

Or that other time I waited the day after Snow Storm Jonas hoping there’d be cancellation tickets only to have them tell us there were none. 4 hours