
It seems as though 70 years later we haven’t gotten any more progressive.

Well that answered my question the other day about whether Penn had a race problem. Our president sent a letter saying they were working on improving race relations at Penn and I pretty much chalked it up to residual fear from the Mizzou fall out. As a graduate student I’m in a pretty tight bubble and know little

“I was thinking of the families of the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris”

And Syrian refugees aren’t also victims of terrorism? I guess it’s easier to think of the Paris attack victims since they aren’t knocking down America’s door attempting to get to safety. I wonder how open and welcoming the US

I do find it disturbing that you would then need to wear this device all the time. Like all the time. Perhaps around your friends or abusive spouse. As women we need to be hampered by tools just to “keep us safe” which is just dumb.

The device is just to prevent rape. And I assume it can be used whether it's a stranger or someone you know. Especially since it's silent. Although the bigger issue is whether someone will be around you help you immediately.

Wouldn't unfriending that person give you the same result? Although I guess if you have friends in common they might still pop up.

Maybe I’m just lucky to be friends with crazy chill girls? But I’ve been in 3 wedding parties so far as a bridesmaid and it hasn’t been awkward or strained or a burden in any of those times. I actually loved it because I got to spend extra VIP time with my some of my closest friends while dicking around before and

“I also feel completely betrayed that my boyfriend isn’t taking a strong stance against a guy who, let’s face it, tried to sexually assault me.I also feel completely betrayed that my boyfriend isn’t taking a strong stance against a guy who, let’s face it, tried to sexually assault me.”

Like holy crap. WTF. I would

I think it’s amazing the mental backflips the friend group went through in order to keep him around. Like dude is 10 years older than all of you. What the hell is he doing hanging out with people that much younger than him? It can be appropriate for much older people to be social friends with much younger people but I

It’s really terrifying and disgusting how repulsed we are by rape as a concept but are unable to support rape victims when the time comes.

That's absolutely crazy. And kind of reminds me of the Duggards story.

“Leave that man alone. He does that to all the little girls.”

He actually made a post about this on FB just now. He was livid, but also compassionate. Because he is a better person than this asshole.

Isn’t it comforting to know the bigotry knows no party lines?

Yeah. Agreed. Like I get they’d kind of blow it off because they do this sort of thing all the time. But it could’ve been even just a one like, “but I guess it is sort of fucked up and you’re experience was real and terrible.” Vs I’m sorry we made you feel bad. Sad face emoji. And she just thought it was pretty sweet

Shit eating grin on fleek. A+ work.

You know I didn’t realize Theroux also helped with Tropic Thunder until you mentioned it. I was like, “isn’t that just the guy who married Jen Aniston?” Silly me.

Also, while I’ll hold reservations until I’ve seen the film, I do feel like you have a point. They have handled other aspects of their films in ways that

I think when it comes to making it easier to fuck randomly that’s totally true. So for people who had terrible habits when it came to safe sex it increases their likelihood of infection. But that still doesn’t get to the root of the problem which is that people are having unsafe random sex. If everyone wore condoms

Yeah but the most affected are 15-25 year olds. One hopes they’re not all getting it from 30-40 year olds. Because then at least some of that sex is illegal and fucked up. Pretty most of what's to blame is perhaps people who are parents now not educating their kids and the school system failing similarly. Teenage boys

Being 27 myself, I can attest that ALOT of people are going bare during sex, even for random hookups. The number of guys I had to insist on condoms with is worrisome to say the least. You know if we’ve both been tested and are clean I’m down for no condoms but until then no way. But that conversation about testing, or