“Because of where we sat, we had a close up view of your conduct in the fourth quarter. The chest puffs. The pelvic thrusts.”
“Because of where we sat, we had a close up view of your conduct in the fourth quarter. The chest puffs. The pelvic thrusts.”
I’m pretty sure the very act of changing your birth sex to a different one in order for your physical appearance to match your gender identity is already going against traditional gender norms. Which dictates that the sex you’re born with defines your gender identity now and forever.
Is it just me or does Kim Zolciak’s belly button look really tiny?
There has in fact been Tweeting and talk on the OTHER end from people who did in fact say things such as, “Black people think they have it bad here. This is what a real tragedy looks like.” I’ve placed one of the Tweets I saw online above.
That is, indeed, fucked up and I think it’s unfair and possibly biased…
Except that there was nary a peep on what happened in Beirut or Baghdad at all. I check Gawker and Jezebel fairly regularly and I definitely don’t remember any articles on it. I’d love to be corrected on this but I just didn’t see it. Gawker isn’t the nexus of news reporting, obviously, but it is a fairly good litmus…
One can only hope that in light of such horrible acts, the victims don’t attempt to mimic the same hateful thoughts that inspired the terrorists. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like that will ever happen. Despite this being an act of hatred from a group of bigots, it seems some people still feel ok dismissing anyone…
Yeah it’s a little too much on the other side. Like maybe she actually is kind of afraid of homeless people now. Which, given the circumstances, it’s understandable. But just admit it. Like I know it’s irrational and I’ll get over it in time but for now I’m a little jumpy and scared.
“Fox News is reporting Merck has been ‘arrested on battery charges and is currently being held on $100,000.’”
100k bail for a homeless man. I’m guessing he won’t be able to pay it probably? Obviously this man needed to be taken off the streets as he was a danger to society. However, I do wonder what kind of steps will…
Well in context it seems like she said it as a way to point out she’s not hating on homeless people as a result of this incident. Instead she’s just shaken up because she’s been attacked randomly and is traumatized from the event.
I’m wondering if this meltdown has anything to do with Trump being a racist and losing to a black man.
So I thought this article was going to explain where the rest of that money goes but apparently not...? Or did I miss it? Like seriously. Where does the rest of the money go?
But so serious request. Would there be any way to change the cover photograph because it is on the front page somewhere constantly and the image is very triggering. Although I understand the need to shock people out of complacency regarding domestic violence, the use of the photo as the front page sort of feels…
Because men are never at fault for anything that ever happens. I guess when you put yourself in the position of power you get to be the one who is never blamed. Even for your own disgusting shit.
Considering our social stereotypes about drug use and alcoholism, it’s interesting that it’s the middle-aged white demographic that is dying at a more rapid rate due to substance abuse. It’s almost like stereotypes are a load of crap or something.
Right. I was thinking a lot about the media. People can sometimes think things are more peaceful than it is because the government controls a lot of what makes it into the news.
I’m not actually sure of what the rape statistic is in China. However I know that catcalling, for example, something very common in western cultures, is generally unheard of in China. My international classmates from China came to the US and were very shocked and insulted by how men would just call out to them. In…
It’s interesting to me that people were creaming themselves over Book of Mormon when THIS is the musical featuring a predominantly minority cast that we all NEEDED. It is written by a man of color and starring minority cast members. It is a story created with racial and historical sensitivity and it is both…
And I mean what if it was for attention? People who attempt suicide are in a lot of pain. It could very well be a literal cry for attention. There’s a lot of loneliness, sadness, and hopelessness. People in those situations are desperately seeking some kind of relief and in a lot of ways human, medical, and…
I don’t know that many New Yorkers but nearly all the female ones have stories about being attacked or threatened by a NY cab driver. I wonder what the stats are for cab rides in general. I say all this because honestly I feel like things are just hostile for women in general sometimes so whether we get in an Uber or…
We’re pretty much just rolling back immigration reform to the state it was in the early 1900s/late 1800s. Oh what a glorious time, back when the federal government would just pass acts denying any and all people of color citizenship.