
And it’s her right arm. She might be left handed but I bet she was right handed.

Maybe she went willingly but it says in the article she tried to leave and reported abuse to the police only to later have her arm chopped off. So it seems even though she caught on to the crazy she couldn’t get away.

I heard on the radio today that police are ruling it “just a robbery.” I’m just wondering...what exactly did they rob from her? Also, couldn’t it be a robbery AND a hate crime? Like they could have intended to just rob her, realized she was trans, and then decided to beat the shit out of her and murder her. That

“Dov Charney was permanently booted from the company on charges of sexual harassment and misuse of company funds”

This almost feels like a microcosm of American politics. Hey guys. This guy sexually harassed people and spent your hard earned cash without your consent. But for some OBVIOUSLY UNKNOWN REASON you’re

Except they don’t want any sort of responsibility for that baby once it’s born. It makes no fucking sense. You wont let them abort but you also don’t want to give them any sort of financial or social assistance so that they can make that infant’s life better after birth. To be honest they don’t want incubators at all.

I was talking with a friend of mine about child rearing and how it’s kind of like training dogs. If it’s not going to be cute when they’re grown then don’t let them do it when they’re young. I wonder at what point this woman’s family realized tantrums stopped being cute but were unable to figure out how to get her to

It’s also a very clever “fuck you” if I ever did see one, although maybe the girls didn’t consciously do it for that. Like, “Oh hey, you’re going to criticize us for being vapid and shallow and bringing down today’s youth? Well ball’s in your court now man because if you don’t support our cause YOU look like

Apparently the announcers had asked everyone in the audience to tweet their best pictures from the game? Which is what prompted the girls to take selfies?

Like come on guys. How are you going to shit on them for taking selfies when you asked them to take pictures of the game. Sure you probably meant, “Take a picture

This just in: celebrities are capable of feeling negative emotions like the rest of us. Apparently millions of dollars does not guarantee that you are happy and satisfied with your life 100% of the time and in every single interview.

Pretty sure the American people care more about whether or not their government will allow them to GO THE FUCK TO WORK than they care about fucking abortion. Even the ones who are against it probably would prefer the government doesn’t shut down AGAIN. Because despite our differences pretty sure most of us agree this

Except that as someone else in the comments pointed out, people who are biological parents might put in even LESS work than what Cattrall might have put in and still get to call themselves a parent without anyone ever questioning it. You can be called a bad parent or an absent parent but if you just said you’re a

Question: Why will there have been 2 GOP debates so far but not a single Democrat one? It’s like the Dems are purposely trying to keep a low profile and watch the GOP eat itself.

I’m just imagining the angst of watching 1 million dollars disappear right before your eyes as some other dude takes it from you one foot of rope at a time.

I’m not sure how she can claim she was panicking when you can clearly see she is calmly holding her camera filming. Then she randomly trips this dude holding his child, I suspect because she wanted to get a good shot of him falling for the report later that night.

RIGHT? Ahaha. OMG the more I look at it the more I love it. The domination in those eyes.

I love her face. Like, “Yeah that’s right bitches. I am a QUEEN.”

I don’t know your friend or where her church stands on the whole thing but generally it’s the concept that you accept Jesus AND vow to live a life according to the scripture thereafter. In the case of Kim Davis, apparently the values taught by HER church are to admonish homosexuals openly so she probably feels that

Yeah this is pretty terrible and an ugly aspect of old school Indian culture, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. India’s culture is more than what negative reports draw Americans’ attention. Just like how American culture isn’t 100% fat people, violent police offers, aggressive racism, and teenage

That makes sense. She was only 20 or so at the time and the family kept her so sheltered I have to wonder if she even knew what sex was when she married her husband.

Now playing

I know you find Schumer annoying but she legit did a skit satirizing this entire situation on her show (see below). They both can get a bit much with the whole self-effacing yet oddly self-aggrandizing thing but you gotta admit some of Schumer’s comedy is pretty on point. And it’s pretty funny that Schumer has done