Oh Selena Gomez. Why.
Oh Selena Gomez. Why.
He was probably REALLY drunk....? It sounds like Idina Menzel if you squint really hard. With your ears.
Yeah I was so confused by the "Adele Dazim" thing. Is that a different name she goes by? Was he speaking in a foreign language? Did he have a stroke? And then I realized it was probably just a mistake.
So I'm Chinese but I had a similar reaction when I first saw Alek Wek on the runway as a kid. I used to watch runway shows in the middle of the night in middle school and when I first saw her I was all, "Who is that?! I love how dark she is. And her short hair!" And I always liked seeing darker Asians in TV or movies…
I think Emily Nussbaum's piece misses the point in a large way because you're not supposed to like either Marty or Rust. I really encourage everyone to go back and try and pin point exactly where in the show there's hard evidence for us thinking that Rust and Marty are likable people. They are our protagonists but…
It seems to be a common thread among republican politicians that even if they don't agree with the measure they'll still go along with it. Which is a very dangerous thing. Clearly. For all involved.
I just love it when people assume if you've CONSENTED to one specific act (giving interviews, starring in movies, having sex with someone) then that somehow means you are automatically drafted into all other things, whether or not you consent to those things. Obviously choosing to do porn is the same as being sexually…
So.... do lesbians have Xq28 on both X chromosomes? Although as stated sexuality isn't a simple Mendelian trait, it would have been nice for scientists to check! It would have certainly supported the inheritability of homosexuality as based on X-chromosomal factors. But instead we're just going to go with the "Gay…
I think it would be cool if in a couple decades familial gender roles were more even. Women went on to get higher education, earn more money, and become bread winners. Men increasingly went to college for education yes, but also to land a successful woman who could provide for him and his family. And due to the…
Really? That doesn't seem intuitive...at all. Why isn't the world's largest sporting event covered by the network's sports department?
I'm still confused about how Sochi won the bid for the winter games if it's one of the Russian cities with little snow fall and is generally kind of warm...
Holy shit.... for real though. What happened to that guy's face?
I think maybe she's just one of those people who looks older.... ahaha.
Seeing as how nearly every movie out there revolves around the undying power of love, I think my premise is great. Especially since women are always supposed to be the gatekeepers of emotional attachment, forcing men to realize that it's what they need too. It'd be nice to see a movie where it's the men who need…
Being 5'2", I've come to terms with the fact that concerts will be enjoyable for the live music. Not for the part where I actually get to see what's happening on stage. This is especially true in standing room only situations.
The best part about this spread is that it doesn't try and make her look lighter than her natural skin color. In fact she looks darker than she does in her natural lighting/red carpet photos. It's quite refreshing.
I love how Amy Poehler and Tina Faye have made Martin Scorsese the running gag of the Golden Globes at this point.
Dry heat works differently. I don't know if I'm just really well adapted to that kind of weather and everyone else is fueled by vanity or if it's a general thing but I find 100+ degrees in desert heat to be super awesome. 100+ in east coast/southern humidity though is an entirely different animal. Hair goes up for…