
Aaarg. That's so irresponsible.

I suppose you could argue with GMOs and stuff... but I really don't get the vaccination thing. Yeah your kid is safe. For now. When herd immunity protects large swaths of communities from disease due to lack of carriers for the disease. But the moment they enter a larger population like college or want to travel to a

From a scientific stand point that's kind of interesting. I wonder what the reason behind that is. Environmental? Genetic? Something in between? Perhaps it was some kind of evolutionary development to conserve energy during calorie scarce hunter gatherer times?

I love the little details. Like the dad making cookies with his son and the girls getting trucks. All the videos they make for these are great. People laugh and go, "Oh yeah it's so dumb when girls/guys do that and I see it now that the genders are swapped!" But I always interpreted it as pointing out how natural the

Awe, you go Dylan Sprouse. That was such a well written response.

Duuuude the number of times that has happened to me. It's the worst.

At least in reference to her VMA performance the criticism was geared toward the racial elements of her act. Not the fact that she was wearing minimal clothing. Also there's a lot of dialogue over black vs. white women and their sexuality, the balance of power between the two, and the way black women are used as

I wonder if she ever had any children after this ectopic pregnancy occurred.

NBC is the worst so this is not surprising.

Does she maybe have some sort of brain syphilis? I mean maybe she's always been like this but back in the early 2000's she did not seem this crazy.

Kids these days are weak. I was eating these things by the bag full when I was 8. Although, my parents also started training me to eat spicy food by the time I was three so that my grandparents wouldn't get mad when I refused to eat their cooking. Also, pretty sure it's ill advised to let your kid eat bag fulls of

I like self-aware Taylor Swift.

I think the problem with interpreting this video as "good satire" is that it's basically recreating frame for frame what an actual music video would look like without doing anything new other than to have Lilly Allen at the center. Those sexualized music video moments within the music video capture the tone without


Because Joss Whedon understands equal opportunity objectification.

So I suppose this might be true? Because I walk really fast and all the guys I'm with are always complaining about how I should walk slower because they're sick of walking fast next to me.

Um so the guys I hang out with are a lot less high strung than me and also women set the pace? ::shrugs::

He also kinda looks like Henry Cavill....

He and Oprah should have a chat.

Based on the VERY ACCURATE sample size of me and my friends (all of whom are oldest children for some reason; I guess we all tend to stick together), this study is completely true.

"If anything this was to celebrate the amazing country and people."

Yes. Africa is SUCH an amazing country of people. And all its little provinces like Egypt and Sudan are soooooo cute.