
"If anything this was to celebrate the amazing country and people."

Yes. Africa is SUCH an amazing country of people. And all its little provinces of Egypt and Sudan are soooooo cute.

"If anything this was to celebrate the amazing country and people."

Yes. Africa is SUCH an amazing country of people. And all its little provinces of Egypt and Sudan are soooooo cute.

Over 90% of China is Han. Compare this to the United States where a little more than 70% are white. It's lower than Japan's 98% Japanese demographic but still quite high. It is also important to consider the concept of homogeneity and culture. Due to the communist revolution and the resultant religious purging in the

How so?

Japan has such a uniquely different culture from non-homogenous societies like the west though. Perhaps it could be compared to something like China or Korea but I don't know if what's going on in Japan can be analogous to what might happen in the US or Europe. If anything I feel like in western developed nations the

Meh. Unless it's a child or something I don't usually care if people see the penises in my phone.

Milla Jovovich's 5-year-old child can now break at least one more board than me.

I really hope this movie turns out to be about how three guys get emotionally attached to some charming women but the women just want a fun open relationship/fling. And then at the end at least one of the guys decides that an actual open relationship is an actual thing that can happen and they live happily ever after

Is access to social media the issue? So much as the fact that your child is a complete asshole and should probably see someone about that? You know. Being an asshole? Because unless you plan on isolating this kid from society forever, there's no way they won't at some point in their lives be given the opportunity to

So basically this is the story of a serial rapist getting off without any sort of punishment. How much you want to bet he has now taken his charming act to college? How many girls does this guy get to assault before something is done?

Yeah that's basically what the Gawker summary said too. Which - I mean - this seems a little MORE than the kind of shit the family in the Steubenville case got. I know the girl was bullied at school and I'm not trying to compare "oh they suffered more than the other person!" but the idea that the town is being

"painting an entire community as responsible for the actions of few."

Hahaha so apparently the world thought Americans were fat, even back then.

Yeah I find this confusing too. Isn't it the law in most states that they can't even live near parks and schools? Let alone be in the same house with a minor? This is crazy....

That makes sense.

I'm confused. What's the connotation involved with tongue cancer?

Oh boy.

Point #1: Yeah. Ok so I mean since it exists and everything it wasn't fetishistic and it was from Madison's point of view and we didn't get any lecherous sexy shots of Emma Roberts while it was happening. So agreed. SINCE it had to happen, this was the least horrible way to film it.

Madame DeLaurie's punishment is actually kind of fantastic though isn't it? She had to spend the last 100+ years or something in the ground beneath the earth. That's a REALLY long time to be buried alive. She deserved to be down there for about that long and then some.

Ummm Sabrina? From Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Also Tabitha from Bewitched.