
Except that the plot of the movie is "professional woman realizes AFTER someone else is getting married that she cannot trully be happy unless she too is married and is 'someone else's woman.'"

Yeah I couldn't get through either of these videos they made me that uncomfortable. I mean these girls are actively moving away and cowering from them but they keep trying! What is wrong with these guys?

Right?! Like he'd be the guy where you'd casually go, "So how was your day?" and he'd tell you this crazy poignant story about his experience in South Africa and on one hand you'd be moved because his voice is so beautiful and he'd deliver it with such emotion. On the other hand you'd sort of be like, "WTF couldn't

Yeah like I get where Julie Chen was coming from. Her motivation was a little different from what goes on in most Asian country. But the entire thread and the assumptions made were that all Asians who bleach their skin and get double lids, even the ones in Asia, are doing it to look white. And that is not what it is.

No it's not. Being FROM CHINA, it's not a practice to westernize your face. A double lid is a common phenotype ALL OVER Asia but is slightly less common in East Asia. Less common phenotypes are prized in cultures throughout the world. For example, blond hair and blue eyes in Europe and the United States. The double

How am I not surprised that Tri Delt is part of this? I went to the University of Michigan and all the girls in our Tri Delt chapter was white and blond. I think there was one white, brunette girl.

Helena Bonham Carter in all these things. But in black.

Although I guess 15 some years later they're still talking about cats.

Seriously. Another section says "what jail is like for girls."

Why do women's bodies mount an immune response against boy fetuses I wonder.

There are other factors involved in preventing STIs. Which is another reason why Europe has a lower teen pregnancy rate than the US. Things such as condom use, proper sex education, and general sexual practices are factors. So when you study rates of STIs with relation to circumcision it would make more sense to look

First of all, circumcision is not genital mutilation the way removing a woman's labia and clitoris and then sewing her vaginal opening shut is genital mutilation in some African nations. Removing the foreskin doesn't affect an adult male's pleasure and has no repercussions for him socially toward receiving and

I usually go out with my friends and we help each other find guys. If you like a guy we go over and talk to him. Maybe chat up his friend so that he's freed up to pay attention to you. Then flirt and do your thing, whatever your thing is, and let your friends help you decide if he's a winner or not a good idea to go

Yeah this is definitely something that is a major concern for me before doing casual sex with a guy. Is he really going to know what he's doing in bed so that I'm having fun too?

I don't know what everyone else's experiences are, but I find outlets like this to be difficult for me specifically because I find it difficult to truly gauge what kind of person the guy is through the internet. I'm in my 20s and I'm definitely into the whole casual sex thing, but I prefer face-to-face interaction

It must depend on the area. I've often wondered if the stuff would be more difficult to buy outside of the general Ann Arbor, Michigan radius. The only time I've ever purchased it was in or around Ann Arbor and normally so long as you can find a 24 hour drug store you can grab it off the shelf (no need to talk to a

So..... did the guy have to find 80 groomsmen?

Or maybe this is exactly why men SHOULD wear jeggings. Because women have lived long enough with clothes that allowed everyone to see the shapes of our sex parts. Time to let men have a chance.

I don't know. From all the weddings I've been to it seems like the dads really enjoy and are excited for that first dance with their daughters. It awkwardly implies dads find dancing in general lame or something. Also, I've heard from various angles that money is preferable to gifts simply because then the bride and