Little Time Bomb

“By the way, she still says she is not proud of America.”

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

Oh, this bitch. I hope Jane rips her a new ass all over the tweeter machine.

Look more closely. Those threads aren’t at the top for the original comments though, but for the ones refuting criticisms of Pompeo being mean or classless. At a ratio of like 400 to 20. It’s rather encouraging.

but why would the men who comment on Jezebel talk about female earning power when they could be bashing a woman instead?

I agree with you fwiw, but I think it might be partially because the author (Aimee) implied it was a dig? When I read that, I was like, what no it was an example.

I completely agree and my head is exploding reading these fuckin’ comments. Maybe it’s just because classes start next week, but I feel like I want to scold these people like I do my students: Context. Fuckin’. Clues. Jesus Christ.

And someone would have to be a clueless moron not to see that. Time and time again, women are told to keep quiet about things that upset men because they won’t want to help us if they feel like we’re attacking them. Fuck that shit.

Thank you. I can’t believe how many people here refuse to discuss the substance of the article and her comments on power and money. Every top comment seems to be about “should Ellen Pompeo even be allowed to speak?” or “she’s lying about where she’s from!” Calling her classless or tasteless for simply talking about

I agree with this. And I feel like folks missing the point are trying to stir things up and focus on women fighting other women rather than women empowering and supporting other women.

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

OMG. Now this is the kind of honesty and speaking truth to power that gets the power structure where it really feels it: in the wallet.

“I’m not fuckin’ Julia Roberts.”

Ohhh, well if it worked for you then it must be true! :)

Still malls near me, but they Uber home by curfew. Mom isn’t picking them up.

As if helicopter moms would allow that.

Couldn’t they embrace this and do a “throwback” mall—themed mall? With all the old stores you only got at malls, like Claire’s and Spencer’s and Sbarro’s? Bring back the sunken food court atrium and a Musicland straight out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Kids love the retro shit.

Todays youth looove their parents - no joke, I’m 16 and 18 years old than my early 20's sisters and they considered our mom one of their BFF’s. Twenty plus years ago I couldn’t wait to get the fuck outta her house! Shes basically the same women and yes I’m a little more jaded and mean than my sisters, but youth

Food courts. But they’re not attached to malls. Or things formerly known as malls.

This makes me sad. I love malls. I love getting a bucket of pretzel hot dog bites and a cinnabon and then going into a Barnes & Noble and read books all day.