Little Time Bomb

Even worse-I guess it was to capitalize on Muslim hatred-she implied at first that Royhingyas started it somehow and this was retaliation and not victimization even though this is army versus civilians.

Yeah I know people had a lot of hope for her and she did some really good things, at first. And people want to stay on her good side because her replacement will just close the country off from the world again.

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s civilian leader and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, lacks the authority to fully address the situation—though a Human Rights Watch spokesman asserted that she has allowed herself to be misled about what’s really going on

If you haven’t seen it, there’s a new holiday Trolls special!

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!


Same. I’m not going to hate on her decorations that aren’t to my taste (her house, her tree) but having someone come in and turn your house into your dream winter wonderland? Sounds far better than my visits to TJ Maxx debating what $15 piece of decor would get the most oomph out of my meager budget.

I would love to see a film in which the heroine says “no thanks” to both suitors and takes up kite surfing instead. I’ll pre-order the novelization and rent out the theatre, too.

They’re pretty accurate knockoffs of 1970s shearling boots (maybe in the Frye line), that I’m certain 70s style setter Faye Dunaway wore in either “Three Days of the Condor” or “Network” (or both).

The threat of a wrongful termination suit will probably encourage the township or state, depending on who administers his pension, to cave and grant him a disability retirement. He’d get a monthly check for life immediately (rather than waiting until he hits the right age if he just had ten years) and probably

Not even no one was listening . . . they called him a liar and vilified him in public. Corey at least has thousands of supporters. It breaks my heart that this happens ALL THE TIME to women and men who don’t have the public backing or financial power to continue the fight.

It’s like “support our troops”. They don’t actually care about giving these people good lives but just want to use them as political props to get what they want.

You would think that they would want to publicly stand by someone who had been through that. It’s a terrible way to treat someone who saw things that would give any sane person nightmares

Interesting. I think we could go back to so many love triangle plot lines from our adolescence and realise the best choice is “why not neither”?

Krakow is a Nice Guy(tm) so my hot take is that neither of them are any good. One is a douche, one is clingy and creepy. Same issue with Pretty in Pink, really.

Sorry to hear that. But you’re right that people often gloss over what it is actually like to have someone be too covetous in real life. It isn’t necessarily preferable to pining after someone who seems aloof.

I’m split on which McAvoy looks better.

Yes, my experience was different when reading the book: I felt Laurie’s reaction to Jo’s refusal was possessive, but that it was setting her up to be independent, to have adventures and see a bit of the world. In the ‘90s film, the way Bhaer understands her and her work is just...swoon. He’s the partner she deserves.

I had experience with that phenomenon when I recently rewatched My So Called Life. As a pre-teen I so vicerally identified with Angela and her struggle with cold hearted, unreasonable parents. As an adult I was like “Holy shit, she’s awful and her parents are struggling so hard to just do the best they can.”

When I first read it as a child, Professor Baehr was depicted in the illustrations as quite an old man, adding doubly to my angst that she didn’t end up with dishy Laurie.