
The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”

wait, you think Brazil is the one looking bad here? lol ok

One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with

It’s puzzling to me how many people are acting like this is new information. Or like Hilary Clinton is somehow more responsible for Bill Clinton’s behavior than Bill Clinton is.

I’m not saying I believe either party here, but I would like to point out that there’s a difference between beeing a cheater and shitty husband and a rapist. And being a serious philanderer doesn’t automatically turn you into a rapist. So why would Hillary - or any woman - blindly believe another woman making that

You basically have to believe that Bill told Hillary that he raped a woman, to believe that Hillary intimidated Broaddrick. And then you also have make additional leaps as to why Bill’s actions are Hillary’s fault. And then it gets more confusing since Broaddrick seems more focused on Hillary than Bill.

I have no idea if Broaddrick’s allegations are true or not, but her story is credible enough, and should be treated with sensitivity and seriousness.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton raped her or not, but I do find it odd that she seems to focus so much on ruining Hillary’s career over the issue. Her evidence that Hillary even would have known about the incident is shaky at best - Hillary shook her hand and said thank you, in what was perceived to be a menacing tone?

2 drinks doesn’t sound like much of a party.

Professional wisdom suggests that if this is advice you are considering, you should actually be having zero drinks at parties, and also everywhere else.

No, you're giving yourself too much credit. Sometimes, the massive pile of work just needs to be done on the unreasonable, arbitrary timeframe set by someone more powerful and important than you, and you have to do it, and there's no physical way of getting it done, even if you work "productively", in the classic 9-5

The fetishization of working long hours in Silicon Valley never ceases to amaze me. In the vast majority of cases, it boils down to appearances more than being productive.

I find it hard to believe someone works 18+ hours a day/7 days a week. And if you do, there is something really wrong with you. I’ve worked a slightly less 12hrs/day for two weeks and I wanted to kill every one in sight by the end.

I wonder if people like her have any awereness of how demented they sound when they say shit like this.

Nothing about this piece read as “snarky”.

They should only play airplane disaster movies. It’s the flying equivalent of telling an actor to break a leg!

So can we all agree that he must be a Brony, based on the fact that he has that pony’s quotes so readily available?

Ok. Please do not mistake this as support of any kind for Trump or RNC silliness. And I am a firm believer that women face sexism with attire every single day.

I read this before clicking on the oatmeal enema link. They are spot on. I made it to his talk of Guinea pigs before I rushed back here to say this is awesome, and that I’m sad I wasted one of my 10 free articles at on this.

So, I mean it was fine... but at what point were you sad? He just bails and goes surfing. Honestly, I would think ‘Jealous’ before “Sad’.