
Thank you for correcting this horrific misnaming of the frozen treat. As a native Philadelphian I was horrified.

The booch goes flat when you get the large bottle :/

Real talk: would totally wear that vest.


You saaaaaaaaaaaalty.

You’re shocked Bill Clinton wasn’t mentioned in an article about the United States Congress, a body he never served in?

Extremely important. Very, very important. So damn important, you thought it should be the second comment on this page.

Q: How do know if someone is in a poly relationship?

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

I’m a little worried by how forgiving the trailer is

Looks like his hair is trying to arrange itself spontaneously into a fedora.

It must be nice to be the only person doing feminism right.

Did Trump sign an executive order that all Senior Staff has to join Mystic Tan?

Treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed is an unacceptable and pernicious trend that needs to be called out.

It upsets me to no end that no matter how shitty men are, how impolite, how rude, we are supposed to be meek and calm and ask them nicely to stop.