“the torture and murder of his girlfriend and mother of his newborn child, Iana Kasian.”
“the torture and murder of his girlfriend and mother of his newborn child, Iana Kasian.”
I read an article a few years ago by a female family court judge who said one of the first things she was told, by multiple colleagues, when she took the bench was to disregard any abuse allegations a woman made against a man, because women just make that stuff up to get a leg up in custody hearings.
lesbian here, do straight women have cognitive dissonance in order to still want dick? I’m not saying that women aren’t capable of hurting each other, but my god, how do you not hate men but actually desire them when men HATE women? The numerous headlines of men killing/harming women has really worn me down this week…
So, I’m pregnant right now and I’ve got some of those pregnancy apps on my phone. There is one in particular that has a message board feature, and in between random discussion of discharge and people wondering if they should name their baby Kinsleeee or Kinzlye, there have been a SCARY amount of posts from women…
Primarily the deceased mother’s family, but she did have frequent visitation with her father and his parents. It was awful. To make it even worse, he killed the mother while the child was in the house. (Thankfully?) She was only 18 months when it happened, but the whole situation made my blood boil.
I am so curious to see how they will argue for him. It will have to be about his mental state at the time, right?
Looking it up, I found out it's related to the word maim, which makes sense now.
I’m so sorry for what happened to you and your son. Have a hug, if you like.
“Leibel was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault of another woman. (He was soon released on $100,000 bail and has not been charged.)“
I have no words, what happened to you and your son is really horrible D:
I know, right? It sounds like it should be a step or two up from “shenanigans,” but NOOOOPE.
Yes, he does, until a family court judge terminates those rights. You have a Constitutional right to parent your kids as you see fit, providing you are not abusing or neglecting them. In cases of domestic violence, if a woman mentions that she is abused she is more likely to lose custody of her children than if she…
yes it is far too early to speculate why this privileged wealthy white man might have barricaded himself inside with a body he mutilated
let’s just allow him to be peacefully white and wealthy for a few moments longer before speculating
just a few moments
I feel like I’m reading the Old Testament. The fact that this shit is written down and codified is both “at least we acknowledge what we’re capable of” and “day drinking beings now.”
But why oh why didn’t she just leave, right?
I love the “unfortunate tragedy” bit. Torturing, mutilating and murdering the mother of your child — it’s just like a hurricane or a plane crash! These things happen, and it’s just unseemly to blame anyone!
I assumed coke bender and one too many excited viewings of American Psycho. Blockading the door with furniture is definitely a drug move.
She had moved out of the condo they shared when he was charged with rape but had come back to talk things over with him and he killed her. I have the misfortune of having gone to high school with this spoiled piece of garbage and while I can offer no insight here other than to say he was and seemingly still is an…
This was treated as a true international crisis at my university. As if the world would unravel if the children of Europe’s richest parents couldn’t get their hands on even the cheap Tesco-brand prosecco.
Men are revolting?