
And, finally, mister Gilliam and anyone else involved in the wonderful collaborative effort made to bring Zer Theorem to the big screen, as you may be reading this keborkorlause perusification of opinions and critique sometimes being critical to your ilk,
Ere I Am JH, greetings!!
Thankyou for brightening what has

Aaah yes, i'm enjoying this, farble garble representing my lost comment, which stated elegantly what i have vebosely and convolutedly posted thus far… plus a notional algorithm of my own invention which describes space time if it is finite.
Which i wont repost here, as a tease, because happenstance….
(Happenstance being

I know!!
As the Trailer mentions " Brazil" and "Twelve Monkeys" it should be meet that the release date will be Valentines day, the fourteenth of February…2014 lololol
The Zero Theorem Trailer suggests some sort of romantic thing methinks mayhap…

I can also invent a release date…..hmmmm let's see…..ummmm…..

The trailer offers "The Discovery of the meaning of You"…..
You, obviously , are alve, otherwise you wouldn't be reading my nonsensical posts.
Which are digressions, thus far, about the meaning of life itself.
Soooo…without getting the answer the movie offers, it can be said, as an absolute fact, that you can know that

Or, better still, consider my concoction of what the correct question to the answer pf the meaning of life ( in the context of Hitchikers Guide, where Deep Thought wonders what that question might be)
That concoction being…
"What is the true nature of all things?"
By my reckoning if you ask exactly like that, to

Or you can go Abbott and Costello and realise "what" IS the meaning of life….

In it…
To celebrate this marvelous occasion,
Such gems as.. The actual question about the meaning of life…
If you ask "what is the meaning of life?"
The correct answer is probably " For To have meaning"
See what i did there?

I lost the comment i wanted to post
